 Übersetzung für 'BMP' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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bone marrow biopsy <BMP>
Knochenmarkpunktion {f} <KMP>
bone morphogenetic protein <BMP>
knochenmorphogenetisches Protein {n} <BMP>
bone morphogenetic protein <BMP>
knochenbildungs­anregende Eiweißverbindung {f} <BMP>
bone-marrow puncture <BMP>
Knochenmarkpunktion {f} <KMP>
bone-marrow puncture <BMP>
Knochenmarkspunktion {f} <KMP>
5 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • knochenbildungsanregende Eiweißverbindung {f} <BMP> = bone morphogenetic protein <BMP>
  • knochenbildungsanregende Eiweißverbindungen {pl} <BMP> = bone morphogenetic proteins <BMPs>
  • knochenmorphogenetisches Protein {n} <BMP> = bone morphogenetic protein <BMP>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Anterior-posterior patterning by Cerberus is accomplished by acting as an antagonist to nodal, bmp, and wnt signaling molecules in the anterior region of the vertebrate embryo during gastrulation.
  • ViewMinder accepts images in the formats jpg, bmp, png and uncompressed tif.
  • In mice, the BMP-15 homologue is not as physiologically important.
  • Images can be added using codes such as {bmc image.bmp}.
  • Bitmap fonts are like image formats such as "Windows Bitmap" (.bmp), "Portable Network Graphics" (.png) and "Tagged Image Format" (.tif or .tiff), which store the image data as a grid of pixels, in some cases with compression.

  • 1.เบญจม.Benchama it.bmp Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  • There is also a camera feature, permitting snapshots of Petz to be taken and saved as .bmp files.
  • In 2017, bmp greengas was named one of the top 14 companies in the energy and utilities industry and was thus one of the 2017 growth champions according to FOCUS and Statista.
  • Supported formats .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .pdf.
  • Still images can be recorded in .bmp, , , .raw and videos in .avi, .mkv (Matroska Multimedia Container open standard format) and Google's .webm open standard format.

  • Together with his son Julian Stelter he ran the agency and international platform ‘forum bmp – communication design art in international partnership’ (2010 – 2016).
  • The company was accused of discouraging the villagers from Qeqertarsuatsiaat and elsewhere in Greenland from coming into the area of their active exploration to remove rubies, even though it was argued that the Greenlanders had the right of mineral access under "Section 32" of the country's Mineral Resources Act administered by the Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum (www.bmp.gl).
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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