 Übersetzung für 'BPM' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO beats per minute | bpm | M.M. | ...
beats per minute <bpm, BPM, b/m>
Schläge {pl} pro Minute <Schläge/min, bpm, BPM, SpM, Spm, spm, SPM>
best practicable means <BPM>die praktisch möglichen Mittel {pl}
blood pressure monitoring <BPM>
Blutdrucküberwachung {f}
business process management <BPM>
Geschäftsprozessmanagement {n} <GPM>
business process modeling <BPM> [Am.]
Geschäftsprozessmodellierung {f}
business process modelling <BPM> [Br.]
Geschäftsprozessmodellierung {f} <GPM>
building and property management <BPM>
Bau- und Immobilienmanagement {n} <BIM>
7 Übersetzungen
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  • Schläge {pl} pro Minute <Schläge/min, bpm, BPM, SpM, Spm, spm, SPM> = beats per minute <bpm, BPM, b/m>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Balearic trance keeps the same "Balearic" timbre as Balearic beat, while Balearic trance is characterized by a higher tempo of around 125 bpm to 145 bpm, typically around 130 bpm.
  • Salsa generally uses music suitable for dancing ranges from about 150 bpm (beats per minute) to around 250 bpm, although most dancing is done to music somewhere between 160 and 220 bpm.
  • In normal individuals, heart rate goes from a mean of 70.5 bpm before the test, to a maximum mean of 96.5 bpm during the stressful task.
  • The song is considered a fan favourite and it is the Keane song with the third highest tempo to date (144 bpm), next to "You Haven't Told Me Anything" (152 bpm) on the band's next album "Perfect Symmetry" and "On the Road" (157 bpm) from their fourth album, "Strangeland".
  • In late 2006, Horler made her first foray into television as the guest host of the viewer request show "Back @ Ya" on bpm:tv, a Toronto-based cable channel that broadcasts all across Canada and some parts of the United States.

  • New England has some of the slowest tempos, from around 108 to 124 bpm.
  • Their heart rate can reach as high as 1,260 beats per minute (bpm), a rate once measured in a blue-throated hummingbird, with a breathing rate of 250 bpm, even at rest.
  • Music for step aerobics should be medium tempo, typically 118 to 122 beats per minute (bpm).
  • Using BPM sensors, the tournament operator made the tension the players experienced evident to spectators.
  • In October 2019, the software was renamed from bpm’online to Creatio.

  • With the advent of modern electronics, bpm became an extremely precise measure.
  • Bradycardia is defined by a slower than normal heart rate, less than 60 bpm.
  • Shutdown Cave: In the "Shutdown Uptempo Cage - BPM Deluxe" the Harder Styles from 200 bpm are played. The name derives from the Shutdown Festival, a hardcore event in Zwentendorf.
  • Paradax's motto is “Nothing Over 126bpm” This bpm (Beats Per Minute) designator signifies that most tracks produced on the label do not exceed 126 bpm thus branding the label as a true deep house label.
  • Multitemporal music is composed using sound streams that have different internal tempi or pulse speed, for example one part at 115 bpm and at 105 bpm at the same time.

  • The human heart begins beating at a rate near the mother's, about 75–80 beats per minute (bpm).
  • One distinguishing feature is those with POTS rarely exhibit >100 bpm while in a supine position, while patients with IST often have a resting heart rate >100 bpm.
  • So, I and V have 192 bpm; II, IIIB, and IV have 128 bpm; IIIA and C have 85 bpm.
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