 Übersetzung für 'BSR' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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blood sedimentation rate <BSR>
Blutsenkungs­geschwindigkeit {f} <BSG>
blood sedimentation rate <BSR>
Blutkörpersenkungs­geschwindigkeit {f} <BSG> [auch: Blutkörper-Senkungs­geschwindigkeit]
blood sedimentation rate <BSR>
Blutkörperchen-Senkungs­geschwindigkeit {f} <BKS> [auch: Blutkörperchensenkungs­geschwindigkeit]
blood sedimentation reaction <BSR>
Blutkörperchensenkungs­reaktion {f} <BSR>
4 Übersetzungen
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  • Blutkörperchensenkungsreaktion {f} <BSR> = blood sedimentation reaction <BSR>
  • Blutsenkungsreaktion {f} <BSR> = (erythrocyte) sedimentation rate <ESR, SR>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Resistance to blasticidin S can be conferred by either of two deaminases: BSD, originally isolated from "Aspergillus terreus" or bsr, isolated from "Bacillus cereus".
  • BSR InnoShip is financed by Interreg's Baltic Sea Region Programme.
  • 5 can also help protect against BSR. There is evidence of significantly lower disease severity with a near neutral soil pH, although there is no evidence to suggest a neutral pH prevents BSR.
  • The most popular trains passing through the Kharbao railway station are BSR DIVA DMU, BSR PNVL Memu, PNVL BSR Memu and DI BSR DMU.
  • The Bit Set/Reset (BSR) mode is available on port C only.

  • It has been argued that this is not the case with BSR, as it does not meet an intrinsic survival-based need.
  • North High School Blue Star Regiment (BSR "NorthBSR.com") is part of the school's Instrumental Music and Dance Program and consists of a modern corps-style competitive marching band with roughly 140 members.
  • All "higher-risk" buildings will have to register with the BSR and prove (over the whole-lifetime of the building) that they are still safe to use and occupy and monitor the "higher-risk" building's fire and structural safe features and systems, to keep this safety case registered with the national Regulator (for England).
  • The BSR awards residential scholarships and fellowships to artists and scholars from the Commonwealth for periods of three to twelve months.
  • The Model European Parliament Baltic Sea Region (MEP BSR) is an international organization that includes eight member states of the EU situated in the Baltic Sea Region, but also welcomes delegates from Iceland, Norway and Russia (Kaliningrad).

  • In the 1970s, Goblin was acquired by Birmingham Sound Reproducers (BSR), and at some point the Teasmade trademark passed from Goblin to Swan Housewares Limited, another BSR subsidiary.
  • The existence and depth of a hydrate deposit is often indicated by the presence of a bottom-simulating reflector (BSR).
  • BSR = (Total time of suppression/epoch length) × 100%.
  • BSR also made tape recorder mechanisms. Bang & Olufsen used BSR's TD2 tape deck in their Beocord Belcanto from 1962.
  • SAGE and SAGE sub-studies are supported by the World Health Organization and the Division of Behavioral and Social Research at the National Institute on Aging (NIA BSR), US National Institutes of Health, through Interagency Agreements (OGHA 04034785; YA1323-08-CN-0020; Y1-AG-1005-01) with WHO and a Research Project Grant R01 AG034479.

  • In 1997, WBRU's carrier-current AM station split off and became Brown Student Radio (BSR), broadcasting initially on WELH/88.1, under a license owned by The Wheeler School and online [...].
  • The BSR was converted to [...] broad gauge in 2003.
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