21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Archaeological finds on the plateau above the Oker east of the village date back to the Baalberge group of the Neolithic.
- The Baalberge Group (German: "Baalberger Kultur", also "Baalberge-Kultur") was a late neolithic "culture" in Central Germany and Bohemia between 4000 and 3150 BC.
- Grimm worked on various periods, but mainly in central Germany – the names of two important Neolithic archaeological cultures in the area, the Baalberge group and the Salzmünde group derive from him.
- More than thirty vessels from the Baalberge group were also discovered.
- Variants of the Funnelbeaker culture in or near the Elbe catchment area include the Tiefstich pottery group in northern Germany as well as the cultures of the Baalberge group (TRB-MES II and III; MES = Mittelelbe-Saale), the Salzmünde and Walternienburg and Bernburg (all TRB-MES IV) whose centres were in Saxony-Anhalt.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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