 Übersetzung für 'Baath' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Baath Party
Baath-Partei {f} [auch: Ba'th-Partei]
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Übersetzung für 'Baath' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Baath Party
Baath-Partei {f} [auch: Ba'th-Partei]pol.
  • Baath-Partei {f} [auch: Ba'th-Partei] = Baath Party
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Before the Iraq War began in 2003, the group produced their projects mostly underground to avoid coming under the eye of the Baath Party's Ministry of Culture, whose approval was necessary for public works of art.
  • Upon his return to his native Iraq after the fall of Saddam in April 2003, al-Maliki became the deputy leader of the Supreme National Debaathification Commission of the Iraqi Interim Government, formed to purge former Baath Party officials from the military and government.
  • He became President of the Association of Veteran Warriors جمعية المحاربين القدماء after the Baath party seized power in 1968.
  • ... 1944 – 15 April 2021) was an Iraqi politician and diplomat, and one of the most prominent Iraqi leaders during the Baath Party regime.
  • In 1963, Qanbar's civil rights were terminated after coup of al Baath party.

  • Jekar Khourchid is a Syrian children's author. He studied Arabic literature at Al-Baath University in Homs.
  • On 24 June 2017, Tahrir al-Sham, FSA groups, and other rebels reportedly established the Army of Muhammad operations room and launched a new Quneitra offensive, targeting the town of Madinat al-Baath, also known as Baath City.
  • Madinat al-Baath (...), also known as City of Baath or New Quneitra, is a town in the Golan Heights that is the administrative centre of the Quneitra Governorate of southern Syria.
  • Syria has been governed by the Arab nationalist Baath Party since 1963.
  • Other factions within the New Baath Party oppose a strong connection with JRTN.

  • Malki never became a member of the Baath party. He was close to the military leadership of the Baath and his brother Riyad was a long time Baathist.
  • All three where executed by the Baath regime on 3 February 1985 by hanging without a legal trial; the three Assyrians were reportedly executed by the Baath regime for distributing literature against the Arabization policies of the government.
  • The Baath Dam is one of three dams on the Syrian Euphrates, the other two being the Tabqa Dam, and the Tishrin Dam [...] south of the Syria-Turkish border.
  • Albert Ulrik Bååth (13 July 1853, in Malmö, Sweden – 2 August 1912, in Gothenburg, Sweden) was a Swedish poet and author, often seen as A.U. Bååth. He was a senior lecturer in Old Norse literature at Göteborgs högskola from 1881 until 1911. He was the brother of Cecilia Bååth-Holmberg.
  • Bååth-Holmberg had a productive writing career. She authored several works of fiction including, the anthology of short stories entitled "Pepita och andra berättelser" (1899), and "I häfdernas hall: Verklighetssagor för de unga" (1900). Her works of nonfiction included travel books on Nordic places, and historical biographies of eminent figures such as those of Giuseppe Garibaldi and Charles XV. Commentators have described her writings to be reproduced by Bååth-Holmberg's stereotyping of national romanticism.

  • In December 2021 it was confirmed, that Bååth had been hired as manager of Österlen FF. During the season, Bååth also made a few appearances for the team. In mid October 2022 it was revealed, that Bååth had left the position.
  • Kassem Hachem ([...]; born 1960) is a Lebanese politician, member of the Arab Socialist Baath Party.
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