 Übersetzung für 'Baathist' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Baathist [Ba'athist]
Baathist {m}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Baathist' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Baathist [Ba'athist]
Baathist {m}pol.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Iraq under Baathist Saddam Hussein had much the same techniques of press censorship as did Romania under Nicolae Ceauşescu but with greater potential violence.
  • After the Baathist regime took control in 1968, severe persecution began to gradually be administered towards the Shias, specifically the clerical class.
  • Although the Baathist Iraq tried to view the battle as an Arab-Persian ethnic clash, the Iranian government largely celebrated the event as a victory for Muslims who brought Islam to Iran.
  • Many more Assyrians fled Iraq for the UK during the rule of the Baathist regime from 1963-2003 due to racial persecution, the Baathist Arabs pursuing a policy of forced "Arabisation" upon the "Pre-Arab" Assyrians, together with bouts of ethnic cleansing and forced relocations.
  • In 1976, the Baathist regime increased its pressures against Iranians as well as Iraqis of Iranian descent, and began to deport them.

  • Described as strongly pro-American, Hamed blamed Baathist officers for provoking anti-US sentiments in the city.
  • The Shia militias used to call the channel, Al-Baathiya (Baathist), due to the relationship of Saad Al-Bazzaz with the former Baathist president Saddam Hussein.
  • Wissam al-Zahawie was a former official in Saddam Hussein Baathist Iraq government who held many offices including that of Iraq's non-resident Ambassador to the Holy See and Iraq's Ambassador to the United Nations.
  • During the reign of Saddam Hussein from 1979 to 2003, the cinema industry in Iraq was mainly filled with pro-Baathist propaganda.
  • Al-Sadun belonged to the Saadoun Clan, and was one of the most prominent Baathist leaders after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, and he was believed to have left for Syria.

  • This support of Baathist Iraq resulted in a complete severance of ties between Jordan and Iran on January 31, 1981, and since then relations have remained fairly hostile.
  • Assyrians fared rather well under the five-year regime, but since Baathist rule began again in 1968, they fared much worse, according to Jonathan Eric Lewis.
  • (1925-2013) was a Syrian Syrian Baathist politician who sat on the Regional Command from 1966 to 1970.
  • Hassan served as the head of the first Baathist school in the 1960s.
  • He participated in the Baathist-led 8 March coup that toppled President Nazim al-Qudsi in 1963, but after a Baathist attempt to purge Nasserist officers from the military, Alwan led an insurrection against the new government.

  • Immediate suspicions fell on the Baathist alliance, al-Qaeda, and Sunni extremists.
  • Kahf’s maternal grandfather was a member of the Syrian parliament in the 1950s, but was exiled from Syria because of his opposition to the Baathist regime.
  • The ar-Rashid revolt refers to a 1963 failed uprising against the Baathist government in Iraq.
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