SYNO | baba au rhum | rum baba |
21 Übersetzungen
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- Baba au rhum {m} [Rumkuchen] = baba au rhum
- Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung {f} <AU-Bescheinigung, AU> = certificate of unfitness for work
- Baba {f} = (rum) baba
- Baba Jaga {f} = Baba Yaga
- Baba! [ugs.] [österr.] = Bye-bye! [coll.]
- Baba-Form {f} [Kuchenform] = baba pan [cake pan]
- Ali Baba und die vierzig Räuber = Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
- Die Abenteuer des Hadschi Baba aus Isfahan = The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan [James Morier]
- Baba Roga {f} [Baba Jaga, auch: Baba Zima und Ježibaba] = Baba Yaga
- au = ooh [in pain]
- Au! = Ah!
- Au! = Oh!
- Au! = Ow!
- Au! = Ouch!
- Au! = Owie! [esp. Southern Am.] [coll.]
- Au- = riparian
- Au-pair {n} = au pair
- au naturel = au naturel
- au gratin = au gratin [postpos.]
- au gratin = gratiné [postpos.]
- Abgasuntersuchung {f} <AU> = exhaust emission test
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- For the technical challenge, the bakers had two hours to make a baba au rhum without a mixer.
- Garten deconstructs simple French recipes like boeuf bourguignon or Baba au Rhum cake. She focuses on preparing foods efficiently, allowing more time to eat and spend with guests.
- A rum baba or baba au rhum is a small yeast cake saturated in syrup made with hard liquor, usually rum, and sometimes filled with whipped cream or pastry cream.
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