 Übersetzung für 'Babenbergs' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Babenberger {pl}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Babenbergs' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Babenberger {pl}hist.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Early in his career, Conrad feuded with the Babenbergs Henry of Franconia and Adalbert.
  • Tulln lost its significance after the Babenbergs relocated their residence to Vienna.
  • The town was the residence of a branch of the Babenberg family, as a result of which it received the nickname "Babenbergerstadt" ('Town of the Babenbergs').
  • Although not given to the Habsburgs but to the Babenbergs, it anyway allowed female heirs to succeed in Austria, and it designated to the Duke the right to name a successor in absence of heirs.
  • Otto of Freising's claim of ancestry to the Franconian Babenbergs, who are remembered for the Babenberger insurgency of the early tenth century, has not been proven, but cannot be completely ruled out.

  • The male line of the Babenbergs became extinct in 1246, when Frederick II was killed in battle (the Henneberg branch of the Franconian Babenbergs lived on until 1583 when its lands were divided among the two branches of the Wettin family).
  • , Emperor Leopold I during the plague in Vienna in 1679 had built on the Leopoldsberg (at the time still Kahlenberg) a new church dedicated to the Margrave Leopold III (of Babenbergs), who was canonized in 1485.
  • The monastery was located close to the frontier that separated Carinthia from Styria (to the south and east), and in the years that followed there were frequent clashes with bailiffs employed by the Margraves of Styria, and with their successors, the Babenbergs.
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