Übersetzung für '
Babylonian' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a Babylonian | Babylonians |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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- Along with all other current, post-biblical Jewish month names, Sivan was adopted during the Babylonian captivity. In the Babylonian calendar it was named Araḫ Simanu.
- Panbabylonism (also known as Panbabylonianism) was the school of thought that considered the cultures and religions of the Middle East and civilization in general to be ultimately derived from Babylonian myths which in turn they viewed as being based on Babylonian astronomy, often in hidden ways.
- Croesus also established trade and diplomatic relations with the Neo-Babylonian Empire of Nabonidus, which ensured the transition of Lydian products towards Babylonian markets.
- He is most noted for his studies of cuneiform tablets and Babylonian astronomy.
- A man named Ahijah also appears in the Babylonian Talmud in the 2nd century AD as one of the first Babylonian Exilarchs.
- The Babylonian Chronicles are a series of tablets recording major events in Babylonian history.
- Worthington worked with Marvel for the movie The Eternals, by providing them translations and recordings for part of the script in babylonian.
- He also wrote the article "Littérature assyro-babylonienne" of the "Encyclopædia Universalis" and collaborated with the "Cambridge Ancient History", the "Fischer Weltgeschichte" (in which he wrote about assyrian and neo-babylonian empires) and the Histoire générale des sciences".
- The Cuthean Legend of Naram-Sin is one of the few literary works whose versions are attested in both Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian and the Standard Babylonian of the late Neo-Babylonian period, a literary life of around 1,500 years.
- Research of the History and Culture of Babylonian Jews, No. 2, Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center, Hebrew pp.
- The district originates in the early Achaemenid era and because of the immigration of the babylonian jews on the order of Cyrus the Great.
- Kidin-Hutran is also mentioned in the so-called Berlin letter (Pergamon Museum, VAT17020), a neo-Babylonian copy of a letter sent by an unnamed Elamite king to the Babylonian court, stating his right to the Babylonian throne.
- Generically identified Neo-Babylonian grammatical texts (NBGT) and Old-Babylonian grammatical texts (OBGT) have been omitted.
- Babylonian thought had a considerable influence on early Ancient Greek and Hellenistic philosophy.
- The city appears in the Babylonian Talmud with the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic name [...] "Talbush" of uncertain etymology.
- Nabu-shum-lishir (Babylonian cuneiform: "Nabû-šum-līšir", [...] meaning "Nabu, make the name prosper! ...
- Rav Anan (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: [...]) was a Babylonian rabbi of the third century (second generation of amoraim).
- ???????????? (karša) or ???????????????????? (karšayā) is a unit of weight equal to 10 Babylonian "shekels" or [...] Babylonian "mina" weighing approximately [...].
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