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- In case of not having a candidate with an absolute majority in the first instance, a ballotage would take place between the two most voted candidates.
- The initial polls pointed him as a favourite, with some predicting he would win enough votes to win outright and avoid a ballotage.
- If needed, a ballotage would be held on 17 March.
- On 21 November 2021, she was reelected in his position representing the 12th District. Days later, she announced her vote for José Antonio Kast in the ballotage of the 2021 Chilean general election.
- On 6 December 2021, he was among the figures which announced his vote for José Antonio Kast in the ballotage of the 2021 Chilean general election.
- In 2021, she left the government to support José Antonio Kast's candidacy in the 2021 Chilean general election ballotage.
- The Multicolor Coalition is a big tent political coalition formed for the ballotage in Uruguay in 2019.
- Trabulsi Management INC has no offices or activity in Argentina, but was registered in the AFIP, according to official records, in November 2015, ten days before the triumph of Macri over Daniel Scioli in the presidential ballotage.
- In Argentina, presidential elections are conducted under the ballotage system.
- Days later he gave his explicit support to Eduardo Frei facing the ballotage.
- Rodríguez Saá got the mandate of president with instructions from the Assembly to call for elections the following 3 March, with a ballotage round on 17 March if needed.
- On 22 November 2015, after Cambiemos won the first ballotage in Argentina's history, Michetti became Vice President-elect of Argentina.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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