3 Übersetzungen
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- Bigos {m} {n} [Eintopf aus Sauerkraut, Schweinefleisch, Speck, Zwiebeln, Pilzen u. a.] = bigos [Polish stew made with meat and cabbage]
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- : 'Bigos, artists of Polish origin' group and Casa de la Cultura Latino Americana Comite Cultural Chileno, to name but two.
- He often eats bigos, Polish soups, Polish sausages and typical Polish dinners with cooked potatoes, 200–300 g of meat and some salads (usually cucumber salad).
- "The Hartlewick Horror", a 40-page book with a cardstock card published by FASA in 1985, was written by Ray Winninger with interior art by Jane Bigos and Todd Marsh, and cover art by David Deitrick.
- The Oilers then traded fan-favourite Kyle Brodziak to the Minnesota Wild for another two draft picks in the 2009 Draft, which were used to draft Kyle Bigos and Olivier Roy.
- Sherman White, along with teammates Bigos and Smith, disregarded Sollazzo's intended fix for a game played on January 16 against Duquesne.
- Along with bigos, żurek, and pierogi, it is one of the most notable specialities in Polish cuisine.
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