 Übersetzung für 'Bren' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Bren gun
Bren-Maschinengewehr {n} <Bren-MG>
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Übersetzung für 'Bren' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Bren gun
Bren-Maschinengewehr {n} <Bren-MG>hist.weapons
  • Bren-Maschinengewehr {n} <Bren-MG> = Bren gun
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Jorgensen was survived by her sons, Peter Bren and Donald Bren, four Jorgensen children, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
  • Upon reaching a hill overlooking the town of Dieppe, with only 1 armored car and a bren-gun carrier, Jiggs and his crew of eight others were approached by the Mayor and members of the French Resistance.
  • Anticipation was aroused when boxes containing 'anti-tank weapons' arrived. Investigation revealed them to be bren guns.
  • 'bren/ is a neighbourhood in Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire in Scotland.
  • A woman is considered "sick" ("bren") while pregnant, and pregnancy is almost never discussed, even during birth.

  • Bren, a trustee at the California Institute of Technology, supported new faculty as Bren Scholars and endowed five Bren Professorships.
  • Michael James Carey is an American computer scientist. He currently serves as Bren Professor of Information and Computer Science in the Donald Bren School at the University of California, Irvine.
  • Ardsallagh (Irish "árd saileach", "height of willows") is believed to be on the site of an early Christian monastery founded by Finnian of Clonard in the sixth century, known by various names: "Escair-Branain" (Brenan's ridge) "Ard-bren-n Domnuich" (Height of Brenan's church) or "Airdleac" (High stone).
  • During World War II, he worked at Chullora Railway Workshops supervising the production of war materials including the cruiser tank, bren gun carrier, Beaufort and Beaufighter aircraft projects.
  • The private responsible for firing the Bren was known as a “Number One” and was not required to carry a rifle as the Bren itself weighed a cumbersome 22 pounds.

  • The Universal Carrier, also known as the Bren Gun Carrier and sometimes simply the Bren Carrier from the light machine gun armament, [...] is a common name describing a family of light armoured tracked vehicles built by Vickers-Armstrongs and other companies.
  • In 1948, Bren remarried, to Academy Award-winning actress Claire Trevor; they remained married until his death. Bren's grandson, Steve, is a former professional auto racing driver.
  • Brentopara Inlet ([...] , ‘Zaliv Brentopara’ \'za-liv bren-to-'pa-ra\) is the 7 km wide inlet indenting for 6.2 km the east coast of Churchill Peninsula, Oscar II Coast in Graham Land.
  • Debren Pass ([...] , ‘Prohod Debren’ \'pro-hod 'de-bren\) is the ice-covered saddle of elevation 2245 m on the east side of Sentinel Range in Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica separating Mount Jumper from the side ridge descending via Evans Peak.
  • The CZ 805 BREN was created to replace the Sa vz. 58 in the Czech Army in 2006, which later sprung a family of rifles; CZ 807, CZ BREN 2, CZ BREN 2 BR and CZ BREN 2 PPS.

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