| econ. C-level executives | C-Level-Führungskräfte {pl} | |
Teiltreffer |
| econ. C-level decision makers | Führungskräfte {pl} der ersten Führungsebene [C-Level] | |
| econ. C-level [chief officers] | C-Level {m} [erste Führungsebene eines Unternehmens] | |
| jobstech. chief constructor <c.c., C.C.> | Chefkonstrukteur {m} | |
| executives | leitende Angestellte {pl} | |
| executives | Führungskräfte {pl} 653 | |
| banking executives | leitende Bankleute {pl} | |
| top executives | obere Führungskräfte {pl} | |
| chief executives [Am.] | Vorstandsvorsitzende {pl} | |
| cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.> | Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen | |
| unit counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps> | Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.> | |
| unit counts per minute <c/m, c/min, cpm> | Impulse {pl} pro Minute <Ipm, Imp./Min.> | |
| unit cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s> | Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s> | |
| relig. Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.> | Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Liebe | |
| law United States Court of Federal Claims <Fed. Cl., C.F.C.> | oberstes Bundesverwaltungsgericht {n} der USA [Ansprüche gegen die USA] | |
| mus. bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C] | kleines C {n} <c0, c> | |
| mil. commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C> | Oberbefehlshaber {m} | |
| math. set of complex numbers <ℂ, C> | Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C> | |
| mus. double top C <c4, c''''> | viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''> | |
| phys. charm quark <c quark, c> | Charm-Quark {n} <c-Quark, c> | |
| relig. Church of England <C of E> <CE> <C.E.> <CofE> <COE> | [englische Staatskirche] | |
21 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'C level executives' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- C-level executives
- C-Level-Führungskräfte {pl}econ.
- C-level decision makers
- Führungskräfte {pl} der ersten Führungsebene [C-Level]econ.
- C-level [chief officers]
- C-Level {m} [erste Führungsebene eines Unternehmens]econ.
- chief constructor <c.c., C.C.>
- Chefkonstrukteur {m}jobstech.
- executives
- leitende Angestellte {pl}
Führungskräfte {pl}
- banking executives
- leitende Bankleute {pl}
- top executives
- obere Führungskräfte {pl}
- chief executives [Am.]
- Vorstandsvorsitzende {pl}
- cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.>
- Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen
- counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps>
- Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.>unit
- counts per minute <c/m, c/min, cpm>
- Impulse {pl} pro Minute <Ipm, Imp./Min.>unit
- cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s>
- Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s>unit
- Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.>
- Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Lieberelig.
- United States Court of Federal Claims <Fed. Cl., C.F.C.>
- oberstes Bundesverwaltungsgericht {n} der USA [Ansprüche gegen die USA]law
- bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C]
- kleines C {n} <c0, c>mus.
- commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C>
- Oberbefehlshaber {m}mil.
- set of complex numbers <ℂ, C>
- Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C>math.
- double top C <c4, c''''>
- viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''>mus.
- charm quark <c quark, c>
- Charm-Quark {n} <c-Quark, c>phys.
- Church of England <C of E> <CE> <C.E.> <CofE> <COE>
- [englische Staatskirche]relig.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The company is also known for its Annual Data Protection Report commissioned with Ipsos, a yearly survey of small business owners, C-level executives and consumers focusing on data protection and information security.
- Its audience are IT professionals, industry analysts, investors, vendors and marketers of IT products and services, as well as C-level executives who make technology investment decisions.
- The paper's target audience is the 280,600-strong US mortgage sector. "National Mortgage News" has a circulation of about 8,000. About three quarters of subscribers are C-level executives.
- The magazine has an audited circulation of approximately 54,868 supply chain professionals including C-level executives, vice presidents and executive decision makers.
- Interviews with other analysts and C-level executives are also an essential part of the show.
- In business, "vice president" refers to hierarchical position that ranges from extremely senior positions directly reporting to C-level executives (in non-financial companies), to junior non-management positions with four to 10 years of experience (in financial companies).
- West Monroe publishes a monthly newsletter for clients, as well as several industry-specific newsletters. These ongoing newsletters highlight key industry trends and issues facing C-level executives.
- As the CEO and founder of In The Public Eye Communications, she is a consultant and senior adviser for human rights organizations, foundations, C-Level executives and political activists.
- The firm is also engaged by C-level executives when their consulting needs cut across multiple functions or are related to issues of strategic importance at the corporate level.
- Hyter has more than 25 years of entrepreneurial and business experience working closely with Fortune 1000 executives and boards to help their organizations thrive; leading and advising complex, global companies and c-level executives on human resources matters across a variety of industries.
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