Übersetzung für '
C section' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a C-section | C-sections |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| med. C-section [Am.] [Sectio caesarea] | Kaiserschnitt {m} | |
| med. caesarean (section) [Br.] <C-section> [Sectio caesarea] | Sektio {f} [Kaiserschnitt] | |
| med. caesarean section <C-section> [Br.] [Sectio caesarea] | Schnittentbindung {f} | |
| med. cesarean (section) [Am.] <C-section> [Sectio caesarea] | Sektio {f} [Kaiserschnitt] | |
| med. cesarean section <C-section> [Am.] | Schnittentbindung {f} | |
3 Wörter |
| med. C-section scar | Kaiserschnittnarbe {f} | |
| med. elective C-section [Am.] | Wunschkaiserschnitt {m} | |
| med. emergency C-section [Am.] | Notkaiserschnitt {m} | |
5+ Wörter |
| med. The baby was delivered by c-section. | Das Kind wurde mit Kaiserschnitt entbunden. | |
Teiltreffer |
| jobstech. chief constructor <c.c., C.C.> | Chefkonstrukteur {m} | |
| cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.> | Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen | |
| unit cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s> | Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s> | |
| unit counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps> | Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.> | |
| unit counts per minute <c/m, c/min, cpm> | Impulse {pl} pro Minute <Ipm, Imp./Min.> | |
| relig. Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.> | Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Liebe | |
| law United States Court of Federal Claims <Fed. Cl., C.F.C.> | oberstes Bundesverwaltungsgericht {n} der USA [Ansprüche gegen die USA] | |
| mus. bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C] | kleines C {n} <c0, c> | |
| mil. commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C> | Oberbefehlshaber {m} | |
| math. set of complex numbers <ℂ, C> | Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C> | |
| phys. charm quark <c quark, c> | Charm-Quark {n} <c-Quark, c> | |
| mus. double top C <c4, c''''> | viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''> | |
| relig. Church of England <C of E> <CE> <C.E.> <CofE> <COE> | [englische Staatskirche] | |
| mus. middle C <c1, c'> | eingestrichenes C {n} <c1, c'> | |
| mus. top C <c3, c'''> | dreigestrichenes C {n} <c3, c'''> | |
| mus. treble C <c2, c''> | zweigestrichenes C {n} <c2, c''> | |
| mus. C minor <c, Cm> | c-Moll {n} <c, Cm> | |
| chem. carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix composites <C/C composites> | kohlenstofffaserverstärkte Kohlenstoffmatrixverbunde {pl} | |
| math. approximately finite dimensional C*-algebra <AF C*-algebra> | AF-C*-Algebra {f} | |
| per cent <%, p/c, pc., p.c.> [Br.] | Prozent {n} <%> | |
29 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'C section' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- C-section [Am.] [Sectio caesarea]
- Kaiserschnitt {m}med.
- caesarean (section) [Br.] <C-section> [Sectio caesarea]
- Sektio {f} [Kaiserschnitt]med.
- caesarean section <C-section> [Br.] [Sectio caesarea]
- Schnittentbindung {f}med.
- cesarean (section) [Am.] <C-section> [Sectio caesarea]
- Sektio {f} [Kaiserschnitt]med.
- cesarean section <C-section> [Am.]
- Schnittentbindung {f}med.
- C-section scar
- Kaiserschnittnarbe {f}med.
- elective C-section [Am.]
- Wunschkaiserschnitt {m}med.
- emergency C-section [Am.]
- Notkaiserschnitt {m}med.
- The baby was delivered by c-section.
- Das Kind wurde mit Kaiserschnitt entbunden.med.
- chief constructor <c.c., C.C.>
- Chefkonstrukteur {m}jobstech.
- cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.>
- Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen
- cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s>
- Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s>unit
- counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps>
- Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.>unit
- counts per minute <c/m, c/min, cpm>
- Impulse {pl} pro Minute <Ipm, Imp./Min.>unit
- Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.>
- Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Lieberelig.
- United States Court of Federal Claims <Fed. Cl., C.F.C.>
- oberstes Bundesverwaltungsgericht {n} der USA [Ansprüche gegen die USA]law
- bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C]
- kleines C {n} <c0, c>mus.
- commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C>
- Oberbefehlshaber {m}mil.
- set of complex numbers <ℂ, C>
- Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C>math.
- charm quark <c quark, c>
- Charm-Quark {n} <c-Quark, c>phys.
- double top C <c4, c''''>
- viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''>mus.
- Church of England <C of E> <CE> <C.E.> <CofE> <COE>
- [englische Staatskirche]relig.
- middle C <c1, c'>
- eingestrichenes C {n} <c1, c'>mus.
- top C <c3, c'''>
- dreigestrichenes C {n} <c3, c'''>mus.
- treble C <c2, c''>
- zweigestrichenes C {n} <c2, c''>mus.
- C minor <c, Cm>
- c-Moll {n} <c, Cm>mus.
- carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix composites <C/C composites>
- kohlenstofffaserverstärkte Kohlenstoffmatrixverbunde {pl}chem.
- approximately finite dimensional C*-algebra <AF C*-algebra>
- AF-C*-Algebra {f}math.
- per cent <%, p/c, pc., p.c.> [Br.]
- Prozent {n} <%>
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- C. section of road to reflect the driving distances in 1990.
- ... one of each per D/C section). Eventually, the M28s were replaced by M29s, so that both the armored personnel carriers and the Jeeps carried the M29.
- After the birth of her daughter via C-section, the tennis player began to feel pain and shortness of breath.
- Caesarean section, also known as C-section or caesarean delivery, is the surgical procedure by which one or more babies are delivered through an incision in the mother's abdomen, often performed because vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk.
- C. Section 1030. This law makes it illegal to distribute computer codes or place them in the stream of commerce if their intent is to cause damage or economic loss.
- Although WHO and UNICEF recommend that infants born by Caesarean section should also have skin-to-skin contact (SSC) as soon as the mother is alert and responsive, a 2014 review of medical literature found that many hospitals were not providing SSC following a C-section.
- There appears to be no advantage for delivery by C-section unless it is for a giant exomphalos that contains most of the liver.
- An interview with one of these patients revealed that she did not learn that she had been sterilized during her C-section until a physician told her eleven years after that she had no uterus.
- The Audi 80 had a MacPherson strut front suspension, and a C-section beam rear axle located by trailing arms and a Panhard rod, and using coil springs and telescopic dampers.
- One of the consequences women in Sierra Leone face after a prolonged and obstructed labour that would have required a c-section is obstetric fistula.
- C. section 31301(5)(C) which designates both "crew wages" and "stevedore wages" as preferred maritime liens.
- C. section) branches. In 1928, it severed its CLP(BC) connections.
- Full-term vaginal delivery especially will tend to increase the size diaphragm a woman needs, although the changes to the pelvic floor during pregnancy mean even women who experience second-trimester miscarriage, or deliver by C-section, should be refitted.
- 20% of Shih Tzus give birth via C-section. Young female Shih Tzus will go into their first heat around six months old, repeating the process twice a year unless they are spayed.
- After these developments by Lully, composers occasionally inserted a modified repetition of the first (A) section or a section that contrasted with both the A section and what was thereby rendered the third or C section, yielding the form A–A′–B–A or A–B–C–A, respectively; an example of the latter is the third movement of Mozart's Serenade No.
- Birth by Cesarean section or vaginal delivery also influences the gut's microbial composition.
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