Übersetzung für '
C-2 C2 canoe' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| sports C-2 / C2 (canoe) [canoe double] | Canadier-Zweier {m} <C2> | |
| sports C-2 / C2 (canoe) [canoe double] | Zweier-Kanadier / Zweier-Canadier {m} <C2> [Kanu] | |
Teiltreffer |
| mus. treble C <c2, c''> | zweigestrichenes C {n} <c2, c''> | |
| sports C-1 / C1 (canoe) [canoe single] | Canadier-Einer {m} <C1> [Kanu] | |
| sports C-1 / C1 (canoe) [canoe single] | Einer-Kanadier / Einer-Canadier {m} <C1> [Kanu] | |
| anat.VetMed. epistropheus <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [axis] | Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel] | |
| anat. axis <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra] | Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel] 9 | |
| chem. C.I. Acid Red 2 [methyl red] | 4'-Dimethylamino-azobenzol-2-carbonsäure {f} [Methylrot] | |
| anat.VetMed. axis vertebra <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra] | Dreher {m} [ugs.] <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel, Axis] | |
| meteo.pol. two-degrees target [climate warming] <2 °C target> | Zwei-Grad-Ziel {n} [Klimaerwärmung] | |
| zool.T woody canoe-bubble / canoe bubble [Scaphander lignarius, syn.: Assula convoluta, Bulla lignaria] | Holzboot {n} [Taucherschnecke] [Meeresschnecke] | |
| zool.T woody canoe-bubble / canoe bubble [Scaphander lignarius, syn.: Assula convoluta, Bulla lignaria] | Taucherschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke] | |
| MedTech.pharm. 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose <FDG, 2-FDG> | 2-Fluor-2-deoxy-D-glucose {f} <FDG, 2-FDG> | |
| jobstech. chief constructor <c.c., C.C.> | Chefkonstrukteur {m} | |
| biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 <HTLV-2> | humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 2 {n} <HTLV-2> | |
| biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 <STLV-2> | simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 2 {n} <STLV-2> | |
| med. herpes simplex virus 2 <HSV-2> [genital herpes] | Herpes simplex {m} Typ 2 <HSV-2, HHV-2, HHV2> [Genitalherpes] | |
| sports The match ends in a 2-2 draw. | Die Begegnung endet 2:2 / zwei zu zwei unentschieden. | |
| med. herpes simplex virus 2 <HSV-2> | humanes Herpesvirus {n} 2 <HSV-2, HHV2, HHV-2> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus 2 {m}] | |
| chem. 2-ethylhexanol <EH-2> [C8H18O] | 2-Ethylhexanol {n} <EH-2> | |
| cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.> | Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen | |
| relig. Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.> | Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Liebe | |
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'C-2 C2 canoe' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- C-2 / C2 (canoe) [canoe double]
- Canadier-Zweier {m} <C2>sports
Zweier-Kanadier / Zweier-Canadier {m} <C2> [Kanu]sports
- treble C <c2, c''>
- zweigestrichenes C {n} <c2, c''>mus.
- C-1 / C1 (canoe) [canoe single]
- Canadier-Einer {m} <C1> [Kanu]sports
Einer-Kanadier / Einer-Canadier {m} <C1> [Kanu]sports
- epistropheus <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [axis]
- Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel]anat.VetMed.
- axis <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]
- Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel]anat.
- C.I. Acid Red 2 [methyl red]
- 4'-Dimethylamino-azobenzol-2-carbonsäure {f} [Methylrot]chem.
- axis vertebra <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]
- Dreher {m} [ugs.] <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel, Axis]anat.VetMed.
- two-degrees target [climate warming] <2 °C target>
- Zwei-Grad-Ziel {n} [Klimaerwärmung]meteo.pol.
- woody canoe-bubble / canoe bubble [Scaphander lignarius, syn.: Assula convoluta, Bulla lignaria]
- Holzboot {n} [Taucherschnecke] [Meeresschnecke]zool.T
Taucherschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]zool.T
- 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose <FDG, 2-FDG>
- 2-Fluor-2-deoxy-D-glucose {f} <FDG, 2-FDG>MedTech.pharm.
- chief constructor <c.c., C.C.>
- Chefkonstrukteur {m}jobstech.
- human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 <HTLV-2>
- humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 2 {n} <HTLV-2>biol.
- simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 <STLV-2>
- simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 2 {n} <STLV-2>biol.
- herpes simplex virus 2 <HSV-2> [genital herpes]
- Herpes simplex {m} Typ 2 <HSV-2, HHV-2, HHV2> [Genitalherpes]med.
- The match ends in a 2-2 draw.
- Die Begegnung endet 2:2 / zwei zu zwei unentschieden.sports
- herpes simplex virus 2 <HSV-2>
- humanes Herpesvirus {n} 2 <HSV-2, HHV2, HHV-2> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus 2 {m}]med.
- 2-ethylhexanol <EH-2> [C8H18O]
- 2-Ethylhexanol {n} <EH-2>chem.
- cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.>
- Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen
- Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.>
- Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Lieberelig.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- At the London 2012 Summer Olympics, he competed in the men's canoe double 1000M (C2), finishing fourth in the final with a time of 3:37.219.
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