 Übersetzung für 'CBD' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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cannabidiol <CBD>
Cannabidiol {n} <CBD>
2 Wörter
corticobasal degeneration <CBD>
corticobasale Degeneration {f} <CBD>
corticobasal degeneration <CBD>
kortikobasale Degeneration {f} <CBD>
3 Wörter
cellulose-binding domain <CBD>
Cellulosebindungs­domäne {f} <CBD>
central business district <CBD>Hauptgeschäftsviertel {n}
central business district <CBD>
Hauptgeschäftszentrum {n}
central business district <CBD>
Hauptgeschäftsbezirk {m}
chronic beryllium disease <CBD>
chronische Berylliumkrankheit {f} <CBD>
common bile duct <CBD> [Ductus choledochus]
großer Gallengang {m}
common bile duct <CBD> [Ductus choledochus]
Choledochus {m} [kurz] [Ductus choledochus]
compulsive buying disorder <CBD>
Oniomanie {f}
4 Wörter
Convention on Biological Diversity <CBD>Biodiversitäts-Konvention {f}
Convention on Biological Diversity <CBD>Übereinkommen {n} über die biologische Vielfalt
13 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • Cannabidiol {n} <CBD> = cannabidiol <CBD>
  • Cellulosebindungsdomäne {f} <CBD> = cellulose-binding domain <CBD>
  • Cellulosebindungsdomänen {pl} <CBD> = cellulose-binding domains <CBDs>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Auckland CBD has a higher share of employment in large firms than other areas in Auckland.
  • Baird's reputation as a "darling of social media" was tarnished as the hashtag #casinomike became the number one trending topic nationwide on Twitter in reference to lockout laws not applying to Star City Casino, as it is located outside the entertainment and cbd precincts where the laws apply.
  • CBD is hydroxylated by P450 liver enzymes into 7-OH-CBD.
  • Unlike many towns in South Africa which have one central business district (CBD), uMhlanga has two CBDs.
  • Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is frequently the disease most often confused with CBD.

  • It was found that the major metabolites of CBD in humans (7-OH-CBD and 7-COOH-CBD) are not prevalent in dogs, while 6-OH-CBD was found to be the primary metabolite in dogs receiving a CBD-enriched cannabis-derived herbal extract, suggesting that canine and human CBD metabolic route might be somewhat different.
  • H2CBD, H4-CBD, and 8,9-dihydrocannabidiol have also been referred to as "hydrogenated CBD" which may cause confusion.
  • It's important to note that H4CBD, and H2-CBD and 8,9-Dihydrocannabidiol have also been referred to as "Hydrogenated CBD" which may cause confusion.
  • Following cholecystectomy and choledochotomy (a surgical incision of CBD), an American surgeon named W.J.
  • Age limit of buying cbd cannabis is 18 and you dont need any kind of prescription to buy.

  • Working with his brand Promise Nutraceuticals, Jackson announced a line of CBD products called Hero Brand CBD in November 2021.
  • On October 31, 2017, the FDA sent warning letters to four CBD marketers, including Stanley Brothers Social Enterprises, LLC (d/b/a CW Hemp), the producer of Charlotte's Web.
  • The Sydney CBD Campus of the Sydney Business School is located at Circular Quay in the Sydney CBD.
  • In July, 2019, Lynch and his wife launched a new company to manufacture and sell his own line of CBD products called DML PURE and MIRACLE ME.
  • As of 2020 Gann has left both acting and writing to pursue his CBD business "Wilfred CBD & Hemp".

  • The establishment of the Beijing CBD Chamber of Finance, the Beijing CBD Chamber of Media Industry and Beijing CBD Association of Property Management & Real Estate Development has facilitated communication and cooperation between the government and enterprises.
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