 Übersetzung für 'CES' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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cat eye syndrome <CES>
Kolobom-Analatresie-Syndrom {n} [Katzenaugensyndrom]
cat's eye syndrome <CES> [also: cat eye syndrome]
Katzenaugensyndrom {n}
cauda-equina syndrome <CES>
Cauda-equina-Syndrom {n}
contrast-enhanced sonography <CES>
kontrastmittelverstärkte Sonografie {f}
contrast-enhanced sonography <CES>
kontrastmittelverstärkte Sonographie {f}
cost-effectiveness study <CES, CE study>
Kosteneffektivitätsstudie {f} [auch: Kosten-Effektivitätsstudie]
central electronic / electronics system <CES>
Zentralelektronik {f} <ZE>
7 Übersetzungen
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  • Ces {n} <C♭> = C flat <C♭>
  • Ces-Dur {n} = C flat major
  • ces-Moll {n} = C flat minor
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Looj won the "Best of CES Innovations Award: Home Appliances" in 2008.
  • Many employment services the CES had offered were now put up to tender to "Job Agencies".
  • Coastal Florida Sports Park has also created a college sports preparatory academy, CES Academy.
  • Podd owns a salsa-dancing company called X-ces.
  • Note the difference between CES utility and isoelastic utility: the CES utility function is an ordinal utility function that represents preferences on sure consumption commodity bundles, while the isoelastic utility function is a cardinal utility function that represents preferences on lotteries.

  • Convective Eddies (CEs) and Boundary Current Eddies (BCEs) also enhance restratification in the Labrador Sea.
  • "Que ces vastes forests solitaires".
  • Other UFC veterans to appear on CES MMA cards include David Loiseau and Drew Fickett.
  • M. Empereur. Quelles sont ces congrégations ?
  • Scores on the CES-DC range from 0 to 60, in which higher scores suggest a greater presence of depressive symptoms.

  • Due to the rise of pharmaceutical treatments for depression, anxiety and insomnia, such as Prozac in the 1980s and Ambien in the 1990s, CES was not a well-known treatment for doctors and patients.
  • Clean Energy Standard (CES) policies are policies which favor lowering non-renewable energy emissions and increasing renewable energy use.
  • Other HP Elite notebook, tablet and accessory products introduced at CES 2022.
  • In January 2010, at the Consumer Electronics Show, Boxee garnered 5 awards; "LAPTOP's Best of CES 2010 – Best Home Entertainment (Boxee Box)", "Last Gadget Standing – CES 2010 Winner", "International CES Best of Innovations 210 – Home Theater Accessories", "Popular Science – Best of CES 2010 (Products of the Future)".
  • Further public displays of Gestigon's technologies include Audi at CES 2015 and CES 2016; Volkswagen and Infineon.

  • Convex preferences with their associated convex indifference mapping arise from quasi-concave utility functions, although these are not necessary for the analysis of preferences.
  • The Keating Government's Employment Services Act 1994 established the "Employment Service Regulatory Agency" (ESRA).
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