 Übersetzung für 'CTF' von Englisch nach Deutsch
coronavirus taskforce <CTF> [spv.]Coronavirus-Taskforce {f}
ctf recorder
Filmbelichter {m}
ctf technology
Filmbelichtungs­-Drucktechnik {f} [Offsetdruck]
3 Wörter
Capture the Flag <CTF>
Erobere die Fahne
Colorado tick fever <CTF>
Colorado-Zeckenfieber {n}
contrast transfer function <CTF>
Kontrasttransferfunktion {f} <KTF>
contrast transfer function <CTF>
Kontrastübertragungs­funktion {f} <KÜF>
corona task force <CTF>
Corona-Taskforce {f} <CTF>
coronavirus task force <CTF>
Coronavirus-Taskforce {f}
4 Wörter
computer-to-film (technology) <CTF>
Filmbelichtungs­-Drucktechnik {f} [Offsetdruck]
10 Übersetzungen
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  • Corona-Taskforce {f} <CTF> = corona task force <CTF>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Capture Strike is a CTF–variant similar to the "Threewave CTF" mod.
  • The Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF/FCE) is a bilingual not-for-profit organization and a national alliance of provincial and territorial teacher organizations representing more than 277,000 members throughout Canada.
  • AUSTRAC's existence was continued under the "Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006" (Cth) (AML/CTF Act).
  • During the Vietnam War, twelve different commanders led CARDIV FIVE and CTF 77 in numerous combat deployments to the Vietnam War zone.
  • Among Commander Operations' responsibilities are command of Commander Task Force (CTF) 311 (UK attack submarines) and CTF 345 (UK nuclear missile submarines).

  • Capture the Flag (CTF) is a cybersecurity competition that is used as a test of security skills.
  • ", Han Shanyang is a male professional in the cybersecurity competition CTF (Internet Security Capture the Flag Station), which brought niche cybersecurity-related topics into public view.
  • It serves as the Philippines' central anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) authority.
  • The figure in the following section shows the CTF function for a CM300 Microscope at the Scherzer Defocus.
  • The Collaborative Translation Framework (CTF) is an extension of the Microsoft Translator API that allows post-publishing improvement of translated text.

  • In September, the frigate was assigned to Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151); "Toowoomba" was the first Australian warship to work with CTF-151, a US-led, multinational force tasked with protecting merchant vessels from pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia.
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