2 Übersetzungen
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- Jagdhunde {pl} [lat. Canes Venatici] <CVn> [Sternbild] = Hunting Dogs [constellation]
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- It was probably mentioned in an ancient inscription DEO EGOMONI CVNTINO VIC CVN P.
- Several features differentiate CVN-77 from other ships in the "Nimitz" class.
- The company referred to this as a "Curated Virtual Network" (CVN) and became a mechanism for offloading traffic from cellular networks.
- In his star catalogue, the Czech astronomer Antonín Bečvář assigned the names "Asterion" to β CVn and "Chara" to α CVn.
- From 1997 to 1998, Manazir commanded the Tomcatters of Fighter Squadron 31, the USS "Sacramento" (AOE-1) from January 2003 to July 2004, the USS "Nimitz" (CVN-68) from March 2007 to August 2009, and Carrier Strike Group 8, which embarked on the USS "Dwight D.
- In Malabar, CVN later took the lead in bringing Kalaripayat to the people from inside Kalari.
- These tours included multiple deployments aboard USS Enterprise (CVN 65), USS Dwight D.
- Other Carriers that VQ-6 deployed onboard included USS Washington CVN-73 (including its maiden cruise in 1994) as part of CVW-7 and CVW-1, USS "Dwight D.
- Cohen Veterans Network (CVN) is a not-for-profit philanthropic organization that serves post-9/11 veterans and their families through a nationwide system of mental health clinics.
- "Manga CVN 73" is a 200-page manga comic book created by the United States Navy in 2007 and released in 2008.
- It is reported as a RS CVn variable with magnitude varying by 0.02 mag.
- The antennas of Sheshan, Ürümqi, Miyun, Kunming and Tianma can be interconnected to form a national association and in this way form the Chinese VLBI Network (CVN), a VLBI telescope the size of China.
- NNS completed RCOH work on the fifth ship, USS "Abraham Lincoln" (CVN-72), in May 2017, and USS "George Washington" (CVN-73) arrived in August 2017 to begin its RCOH.
- Many of these organizations report to CVN the colleges and universities from which their volunteers come, such that CVN can publicize which colleges are sending the most students into volunteering positions within their network.
- The group deployed in 2000–01 led by "Harry S. Truman" (CVN-75).
- Beta Canum Venaticorum (β Canum Venaticorum, abbreviated Beta CVn, β CVn), also named Chara [...] , this star is [...] distant from the Sun.
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