Übersetzung für '
Cabalist' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | cabalist | cabalists |
| SYNO | Cabalist | cabalist | Kabbalist | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Some scholars have thought, but without sufficient reason, that Flavius is identical with the cabalist Johanan Aleman ben Isaac a contemporary and associate of Pico della Mirandola, who taught him from the late 1480s.
- Ezra ben Isaac Fano was Rabbi of Mantua and cabalist who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries.
- Aaron Berechiah ben Moses ben Nehemiah of Modena (1549-1639) was an Italian cabalist. He is the author of "Ma'abar Yabboḳ", which contains dissertations on separation, purity, and holiness.
- Other parts of the book represent alchemical or cabalist theories whose origin is attributed mainly to Paracelsus.
- Abraham Yagel (Monselice 1553 – 1623) was an Italian Jewish catechist, philosopher, and cabalist. He lived successively at Luzzara, Venice, Ferrara, and Sassuolo.
- Moses ben Isaac Edrehi ([...]; [...] – [...]) Moroccan-born cabalist and teacher of modern and Oriental languages. He resided mainly in Amsterdam and in England.
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