 Übersetzung für 'Cimmerians' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a Cimmerian | Cimmerians
Kimmerer {pl}
Kimmerier {pl}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Cimmerians' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Kimmerer {pl}ethn.hist.

Kimmerier {pl}ethn.hist.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Soon after 635 BC, with Assyrian approval This final defeat of the Cimmerians was carried out by the joint forces of Madyes, who Strabo credits with expelling the Cimmerians from Asia Minor, and of Sadyattes's son, the king Alyattes of Lydia, whom Herodotus and Polyaenus claim finally defeated the Cimmerians.
  • Wade Baskin's "Dictionary of Satanism" speculates that Cimeries is derived from Cimmerians, a warlike people mentioned in the works of several classical authors as dwelling totally in darkness.
  • Soon after 635 BC, with Assyrian approval This final defeat of the Cimmerians was carried out by the joint forces of Madyes, who Strabo credits with expelling the Cimmerians from Asia Minor, and of Ardys's grandson, the king Alyattes of Lydia, whom Herodotus and Polyaenus claim finally defeated the Cimmerians.
  • Immediately after this first victory of his over the Cimmerians, Alyattes expelled from the Lydian borderlands a final remaining pocket of Cimmerian presence who had been occupying the nearby city of Antandrus for one century, and to facilitate this he re-founded the city of Adramyttium in Aeolis.
  • In 714 BCE, Rusa I committed suicide as a result of the defeats by the Assyrians and Cimmerians.

  • Alaçam County has a long history. It has been held by Phrygian, Cimmerians, Lydians and Persians before the area was taken by Alexander the Great.
  • Manau's song "La Tribu de Dana" recounts an imaginary battle between Celts and enemies identified by the narrator as Cimmerians.
  • During classical antiquity, the Volga formed the boundary between the territories of the Cimmerians in the Caucasian Steppe and the Scythians in the Caspian Steppe.
  • According to one Assyrian inscription, the Cimmerians ("Gimirru") originally went forth from their homeland of "Gamir" or "Uishdish" in "the midst of Mannai" around this time.
  • The culture is associated with the Cimmerians, and it was replaced by the Belogrudov culture and later the Scythians.

  • From the late 8th century BCE, a new wave of Indo-European-speaking raiders entered northern and northeast Anatolia: the Cimmerians and Scythians.
  • The invasion of Anatolia in the late 8th century BC to early 7th century BC by the Cimmerians was to prove fatal to independent Phrygia.
  • In 640 BC, inspired by the Cimmerians, the Tabalian king Mugallu rebelled against Ashurbanipal. However, Mugallu was defeated.
  • During the Iron Age there were several influences on metallurgy: the Dacians, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, among other nomadic peoples. The Scythian Kingdom existed here from 750 BC to 250 BC.
  • In the first millennium BC, the term denoted Cimmerians and/or Medes.

  • Qımır is one of the villages in the Caucasus where the Cimmerians (Gmry) are believed to have settled during the I millennium BC.
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