 Übersetzung für 'Czech-Polish' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Czech-Polish border
tschechisch-polnische Grenze {f}
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Übersetzung für 'Czech-Polish' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Czech-Polish border
tschechisch-polnische Grenze {f}geogr.pol.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "I, Olga Hepnarová" (...) is a 2016 Czech-Polish drama film directed by Tomáš Weinreb and Petr Kazda. It was shown in the Panorama section at the 66th Berlin International Film Festival.
  • The novel was the runner-up awardee for at the Zvyozdnyy Most fantasy festival for best continued work. The book has been translated into Czech, Polish, Bulgarian and German.
  • This is also available in Italian, Czech, Polish and Estonian versions.
  • Marek is a West Slavic (Czech, Polish and Slovak) masculine given name, the equivalent of Mark in English. It is also the 46th most popular masculine given name in Estonian.
  • České Petrovice is located in the Orlické Mountains. The municipality lies on the Czech-Polish border.

  • Gaba was born in Chicago, Illinois. She was fluent in three languages—Bohemian (Czech), Polish, and Spanish—in addition to English.
  • The Jizera River forms here the entire Czech-Polish border and then shortly crosses the territory of Kořenov.
  • In 2004-05 there were also a number of Czechs and Poles living in the town, as Topoľčany was the host of a joint Slovak-Czech-Polish military operation intended to prepare Slovakia for joining NATO.
  • The PolCon/ParCon combined event was organized jointly by Czech, Polish, and Slovak fandoms.
  • One of them is the Glacensis Euroregion that had been established in 1995 as one of the Euroregions covering the Czech-Polish border areas.

  • The highest mountains, those located along the Czech-Polish border have annual precipitations around 1500 mm.
  • A three-part 2013 Czech-Polish television show "Burning Bush", directed by Agnieszka Holland, is situated around the events that happened after Jan Palach's self-immolation.
  • Nowadays, the economy of the region benefits from its location in the Czech/Polish/Slovak borderlands.
  • Unlike languages such as Czech, Polish does not have syllabic consonants – the nucleus of a syllable is always a vowel.
  • In the opinion of Norman Davies, the Christianization of Poland through the CzechPolish alliance represented a conscious choice on the part of Polish rulers to ally themselves with the Czech state rather than the German one.

  • Currently it connects the two biggest Czech cities, Prague and Brno; in the future it will be extended to Ostrava and to the Czech–Polish border in Věřňovice (Karviná District) / Gorzyczki (Wodzisław County).
  • This is confirmed by the results of the wolf monitoring financed by the International Fund for Animal Welfare and the nature conservation foundation EuroNatur, which is carried out by the Polish nature conservation organisation Association for Nature Wolf (AfN Wolf).
  • The Moravian cultural influence played a significant role in the spread of Christianity onto the Polish lands and the subsequent adoption of that religion.
  • Since the 18th century Cieszyn Silesia has been an important centre of Polish Protestantism when the Jesus Church was built as the only one in Upper Silesia.
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