 Übersetzung für 'D Pad' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   d-pad | d-pads
D-Pad [directional pad]Steuerkreuz {n}
Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.>
Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.>
Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D>
Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.>
pissed off {adj} [vulg.] <p.o.'d, po'd >angepisst [vulg.]
D-type flip-flop <D-FF>
D-Flipflop {n} <D-FF>
shield Louis d'or / d'Or
Schild-Louis d'or / d'Or {m}
data flip-flop <D-FF, D-flipflop, D-flip-flop>
Daten-Flipflop {n} <D-FF, D-Flipflop>
ten-key pad <10-key pad> [numeric cluster]
Zehnertastaturfeld {n}
down quark <d quark, d>
Down-Quark {n} <d-Quark, d>
design and development <D&D>
Design und Entwicklung <D & E, D&E>
main droite {adv} <M.D., m.d.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]
mit der rechten Hand
D minor <d, Dm>
d-Moll {n} <d, Dm>
direct debit <D/D>
Bankeinzug {m} [Lastschrift]
incision and drainage <I&D, IND, I and D>
Inzision und Drainage <I&D, I und D>
douchebag <d-bag, D-bag> [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [pej.]Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
ten-key pad <10-key pad>
Zehnertastatur {f}
NBA Development League <NBA D League, D-League> [obs.] [from 2005 until 2017]
NBA Development League {f} <NBA D League, D-League> [veraltet] [von 2005 bis 2017]
no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.>
ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.>
douche bag <d-bag, D-bag> [Am.] [vulg.] [spv.] [a foolish or contemptible person (esp. a man)] Depp {m} [bes. südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [pej.] [Dummkopf]
d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >
d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) >
D flat <D♭>
Des {n} <D♭>
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Übersetzung für 'D Pad' von Englisch nach Deutsch

D-Pad [directional pad]
Steuerkreuz {n}

Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.>
Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.>philos.
Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D>
Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.>educ.
pissed off {adj} [vulg.] <p.o.'d, po'd >
angepisst [vulg.]
D-type flip-flop <D-FF>
D-Flipflop {n} <D-FF>electr.
shield Louis d'or / d'Or
Schild-Louis d'or / d'Or {m}curr.hist.
data flip-flop <D-FF, D-flipflop, D-flip-flop>
Daten-Flipflop {n} <D-FF, D-Flipflop>electr.
ten-key pad <10-key pad> [numeric cluster]
Zehnertastaturfeld {n}comp.
down quark <d quark, d>
Down-Quark {n} <d-Quark, d>phys.
design and development <D&D>
Design und Entwicklung <D & E, D&E>econ.
main droite {adv} <M.D., m.d.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]
mit der rechten Handmus.
D minor <d, Dm>
d-Moll {n} <d, Dm>mus.
direct debit <D/D>
Bankeinzug {m} [Lastschrift]fin.
incision and drainage <I&D, IND, I and D>
Inzision und Drainage <I&D, I und D>med.
douchebag <d-bag, D-bag> [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [pej.]
Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
ten-key pad <10-key pad>
Zehnertastatur {f}comp.
NBA Development League <NBA D League, D-League> [obs.] [from 2005 until 2017]
NBA Development League {f} <NBA D League, D-League> [veraltet] [von 2005 bis 2017]sports
no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.>
ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.>acad.publ.
douche bag <d-bag, D-bag> [Am.] [vulg.] [spv.] [a foolish or contemptible person (esp. a man)]
Depp {m} [bes. südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [pej.] [Dummkopf]
d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >
d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) >math.
D flat <D♭>
Des {n} <D♭>mus.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • For example, many flight simulators use it to switch the player's views, while other games sometimes use it as a substitute for the D-pad.
  • The size and shape of the hardware is similar to the "Wide Screen" series, plus a cross-shaped d-pad like the "Donkey Kong" model.
  • In addition to appearing between the G, H and B keys on a QWERTY keyboard, these devices or similar can also appear on gaming devices as an alternative to a D-pad or analog stick.
  • s "Final Fantasy" Retro Roundup stated that it was a “decent game” ruined by the necessity of steering with a D-pad, and was rated "Not Worth It".
  • The steering wheel D-pad controls are no longer linked to the Entune system for the purposes of browsing and selecting contacts.

  • "Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament" also allowed up to eight players to play simultaneously using up to four gamepads, each player using only the D-pad or face buttons.
  • The M2 gamepad was to have six buttons positioned by the right thumb and two shoulder buttons, much like the standard Sega Saturn gamepad, and a D-pad surrounded by a rotating analog wheel.
  • In these two stages, the player steers and accelerates the jeep with the d-pad, while the A and B buttons are used to launch grenades at airborne enemy vehicles and shoot at other cars in front of Billy's jeep.
  • In "Halo 2", pressing down on the D-Pad of the Xbox controller makes the player character appear to hold his or her weapon in a neutral position, without aiming it at anyone, while looking straight ahead.
  • Nintendo developed a gamepad device for directional inputs, a D-pad with a "cross" design for their "Donkey Kong" handheld game.

  • The Turbo Touch 360 was first shown off at the International Consumer Electronics Show in late 1993, but the controller never replaced the D-Pad in later consoles because it was reported to be overly sensitive and uncomfortable to use.
  • Closely modeled after its predecessor, the Neo Geo Pocket Color design sports two face buttons on the right hand side of the system, and an eight-direction microswitched digital D-pad on the left.
  • The design proved to be popular for subsequent "Game & Watch" titles, although the previously introduced non-connected D-pad style was still utilized on various later "Game & Watch" titles, including the "Super Mario Bros."
  • The Freestyle Pro, released in 1998, was a unique gamepad, as the up-down-left-right directions in analogue mode were controlled by the physical movement of the controller, more precisely by the absolute pitch and roll position of the pad.
  • Both at the top and bottom of the gamepad are switches.

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