| received {adj} {past-p} <recd., rec'd.> | erhalten 855 | |
| continued {adj} {past-p} <cont., cont'd> | fortgesetzt 608 | |
| died {past-p} <d.> | gestorben <gest.> 104 | |
| educ. D [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | ausreichend [Schulnote] 47 | |
| deceased {adj} <d., decd., dec.> [formal] | selig [geh.] [verstorben] 45 | |
| deceased {adj} {past-p} <d.> | abgeschieden [geh.] [verstorben] 30 | |
| educ. D [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | genügend [österr.] [Schulnote] 29 | |
| unit deci- {prefix} <d> [10 ^ -1] | Dezi- <d> 26 | |
| disqualified {adj} {past-p} <DQed, DQ'd> | disqualifiziert 13 | |
| ID'd {adj} {past-p} | identifiziert 13 | |
| D'oh! [coll.] | Scheiße! [vulg.] 11 | |
| cliché'd {adj} [spv.] | klischeehaft 8 | |
| deceased {adj} {past-p} <d.> | weiland [veraltet] [indekl.] [verstorben] 8 | |
| quoteRadioTV D'oh! [The Simpsons] | Nein! [Die Simpsons, Synchronfassung] 5 | |
| deceased {adj} {past-p} <d.> | verlebt [veraltet] [verstorben] 5 | |
| deci- {prefix} <d> [10 ^ -1] | Zehntel- | |
| he'd [he had] | er hatte | |
| he'd [he would] | er würde | |
| I'd [I had] | ich hatte | |
| I'd [I would] | ich würde | |
| it'd [it had] | es hatte | |
| it'd [it would] | es würde | |
| OK'd {adj} {past-p} [coll.] | genehmigt | |
| drugsmed. sb. OD'd [sl.] | jd. nahm eine Überdosis | |
| she'd [she had] | sie hatte | |
| she'd [she would] | sie würde | |
| they'd [they had] | sie hatten | |
| they'd [they would] | sie würden | |
| we'd [we had] | wir hatten | |
| we'd [we would] | wir würden | |
| who'd [who had] | wer hatte | |
| who'd [who would] | wer würde | |
| Who'd've ...? [coll.] [Who would have ...?] | Wer hätte / wäre ... | |
| you'd [you had] | du hattest | |
| you'd [you had] | Sie hatten [formelle Anrede] | |
| you'd [you would] | du würdest | |
| you'd [you would] | Sie würden [formelle Anrede] | |
| you'd've [coll.] [you would have] | du hättest | |
Verben |
| to o.d. [coll.] [to overdose] | überdosieren 10 | |
| drugsmed. to o.d. [coll.] [to overdose] | eine Überdosis nehmen | |
Substantive |
| unit day <d> | Tag {m} <d> 3889 | |
| diameter <d, D, ⌀, DIA, dia> | Durchmesser {m} <d, D, ⌀, DIA> 2473 | |
| douchebag <d-bag, D-bag> [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [pej.] | Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.] 324 | |
| meteo. drizzle <d> | Sprühregen {m} 133 | |
| QM detection <D> [rating] [FMEA] | 86 Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit {f} [Kennzahl; des Fehlers od. seiner Ursache (ggf. auch der Folge)] [FMEA] | |
| QM detection <D> [rating] [FMEA] | 14 Entdeckenswahrscheinlichkeit {f} [selten] [Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit] | |
| cloth. B.V.D.s | Männer-Unterwäsche {f} [nach Bradley, Voorhees & Day] | |
| ling.mus.print d [letter, musical note] | d {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| ling.mus.print D [letter, musical note] | D {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| mineral. d'ansite [Na21MgCl3(SO4)10] | D'Ansit {m} | |
| geol.unit darcy <D> [permeability] | Darcy {n} <D> [Permeabilität] | |
| phys.unit debye <D> | Debye {n} <D> | |
| educ.relig. Doctrinaries [Congregatio Patrum Doctrinae Christianae] <D.C.> | Doktrinarier {pl} <DC> | |
| mus. squiggle [Am.] [Dal Segno sign, segno] <D.S.> | Segno {m} [Dal-segno-Zeichen] <D.S.> | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| comm.fin. after date {adv} <a/d> | nach Ausstellungsdatum | |
| air dry {adj} <A.D.> | lufttrocken [bezüglich Luftfeuchtigkeit; auch Holz] | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | im Jahre des Herrn | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | nach Christus <n. Chr.> | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | Anno Domini <AD, A. D.> | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | unserer Zeitrechnung <u. Z.> | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | nach der Zeitenwende <n. d. Z.> | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | nach Christi Geburt <n. Chr. Geb.> | |
| Anno Domini {adv} <AD, A.D.> | nach unserer Zeitenwende <n. u. Z.> | |
| assorted (asst'd.) {adj} | sortiert | |
| mus. da capo {adv} <D.C.> [from the beginning] | noch einmal von Anfang an | |
| I'd like ... | Ich hätte gern / gerne ... | |
| I'd say ... | Ich würde sagen ... | |
| I'd say ... | Ich sag mal ... [ugs.] | |
| mus. main droite {adv} <M.D., m.d.> [used as a direction in keyboard music] | mit der rechten Hand | |
| no date <n.d.> | ohne Datum <o. D.> | |
| acad.publ. no date {adv} <n.d.> [citation] | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> [Literaturangabe] | |
| econ.fin. per diem {adv} <p.d.> | je Tag | |
| econ.fin. per diem {adv} <p.d.> | pro Tag | |
| pissed off {adj} [vulg.] <p.o.'d, po'd > | angepisst [vulg.] | |
| three-d {adj} | dreidimensional | |
| three-dimensional {adj} <3 D> | plastisch [dreidimensional] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| electr. A-D converter | A-D-Wandler {m} | |
| electr. A/D converter <ADC> | A/D-Umsetzer {m} <ADU> [auch: A/D-Wandler] | |
| affaire d'honneur | Duell {n} | |
| affaire d'honneur | Ehrenhandel {m} | |
| biochem. aspartic acid <Asp, D> [C4H7NO4] | Asparaginsäure {f} <Asp, D> | |
| ballon d'essai [rare] | Versuchsballon {m} [fig.] | |
| sports Ballon D'Or [football award: European Footballer of the Year] | Goldener Ball {m} | |
| C.O.D. service | Nachnahme {f} | |
| mus. capo (d'astro) [corruption of ital. "capo tasto"] | Kapodaster {m} | |
| pol. chargé (d'affaires) | Chargé d'affaires {m} | |
| pol. chargé d'affaires | diplomatischer Geschäftsträger {m} | |
| admin. chargé d'affaires [female] | Geschäftsträgerin {f} | |
| chef d'oeuvre | Meisterwerk {n} | |
| art chef d'oeuvre | Meisterstück {n} | |
| geogr. Côte d'Ivoire <.ci> [official name for Ivory Coast] | Elfenbeinküste {f} | |
| ungeprüft coup d'essai | erster Versuch {m} | |
| pol. coup d'état | Putsch {m} | |
| pol. coup d'état | Umsturz {m} | |
| pol. coup d'état | Coup d'État {m} | |
| pol. coup d'état | Machtergreifung {f} | |
| pol. coup d'etat [also: coup d'état] | Staatsstreich {m} | |
| coup d'oeil | kurzer Blick {m} | |
| biol. D cells | D-Zellen {pl} | |
| mus. D flat <D♭> | Des {n} <D♭> | |
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