 Übersetzung für 'DDL' von Englisch nach Deutsch
dideoxyinosine <DDI, ddl>
Dideoxyinosin {n} <DDI, ddl>
database description language <DDL>
Datenbankbeschreibungs­sprache {f}
Dear Doctor letter <DDL> [coll.] [direct healthcare professional communication]
Rote-Hand-Brief {m} <RHB> [Risikoinformation für Arzneimittel, die direkt vom pharmazeutischen Unternehmen verbreitet wird]
3 Übersetzungen
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  • Dideoxyinosin {n} <DDI, ddl> = dideoxyinosine <DDI, ddl>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Det Danske Luftfartselskab A/S or DDL, trading in English as Danish Air Lines, was Denmark's national airline from 1918 until it merged to create Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) in 1951.
  • Direct download link (DDL), or simply "direct download", is a term used within the Internet-based file sharing community.
  • DDL ("Description Definition Language") is part of the MPEG-7 standard.
  • Under government management, DDL became the world's second largest producer of rum.
  • Complete surgical resection is usually the recommended first-line treatment for localized DDL tumors.

  • 0, they allow for DDL (Data Definition Language) triggers and for DML (Data Manipulation Language) triggers.
  • So Oracle Database DDL commands include the Grant and revoke privileges which is actually part of Data control Language in Microsoft SQL server.
  • Health facilities use the digital data logger (DDL) as their temperature monitoring device.
  • Diagram types supported include: DDL notation, ERD notation, IDEF1X notation, Information Engineering notation.
  • Prosa automates diagram creation and checking, and produces C++, C#, Java code headers and SQL DDL for implementation.

  • The DDL was affiliated with EFI, the European Freedom Initiative, and with English Defence League offshoots in other countries.
  • DDL Intercettazioni or the Wiretapping Bill is a piece of legislation put periodically before the Italian Parliament, but never passed through.
  • DDL Foodshow was later considered to be a forebear of the new Italian specialty goods food-store restaurant dining attraction Eataly.
  • MyBatis Migrations is a Java command line tool that keeps track of database schema changes managing DDL files (known as migrations).
  • ... MariaDB) force autocommit for every DDL statement, even in non-autocommit mode.

  • The DDL design was not supported by the Australian Labor Party (ALP) opposition, which believed that the ships would be too large and expensive for escort, patrol and surveillance duties.
  • The audio signal from the VCA is converted back to digital, run through the twin DDLs (which can be run in parallel or in serial), and then converted back to analog for the final output.
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