 Übersetzung für 'DDP' von Englisch nach Deutsch
delivered duty paid <DDP>
geliefert verzollt [Incoterm]
delivered duty paid <DDP>
geliefert Zoll bezahlt [Incoterms 2010]
2 Übersetzungen
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  • Deutsche Demokratische Partei {f} <DDP> = German Democratic Party
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • As the Computer Controls division of Honeywell, it introduced further DDP-series computers, and was a $100,000,000 business until 1970 when Honeywell purchased GE's computer division and discontinued development of the DDP line.
  • DDP was the lowest-level data-link-independent transport protocol.
  • He was a DDP member of the Weimar National Assembly in 1919 to 1920 and a DDP member of the Reichstag from 1920 to 1924.
  • The main component in the iWARP protocol is the Direct Data Placement Protocol (DDP), which permits the actual zero-copy transmission.
  • Devil's Due Publishing (often abbreviated as DDP) is an independent comic book publisher in the United States.

  • Already a member of the Progressive People's Party (Germany) (FVP) since 1912, Maier joined the newly formed left-wing liberal German Democratic Party (DDP) in 1918.
  • The first chairman was the Hamburg senator Carl Wilhelm Petersen of the center-left German Democratic Party (DDP), later Walther Schücking, also DDP, and in the final phase Johannes Bell of the conservative Catholic Centre Party.
  • DDP returned to wrestling on January 2, 2010, teaming with Air Paris to defeat Bobby Hayes and Alexander the Great at PICW event.
  • There was a purchase wing of Director Defence Purchase (DDP) of the then Pakistan near Dhaka Cantonment.
  • In the mathematical theory of probability, the dependent Dirichlet process (DDP) provides a non-parametric prior over evolving mixture models.

  • After a back and forth match, Meng delivered a savate kick to DDP and Barbarian delivered a "Kick of Fear" to Morrus and Faces of Fear simultaneously pinned DDP and Morrus.
  • An observational study comparing naturalistic outcomes of DDP and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in treatment refractory clients seen at a medical university clinic indicated significantly better improvement for clients treated with DDP than DBT across a broad range of outcomes, including symptoms of BPD, depression, disability, and self-harm After an independent review by the U.S.
  • It originated from the former West-German news agency "Deutscher Depeschendienst" (ddp), which had been "built out of remnants of the old UPI news service and the former East-German state-sponsored news service" ADN after reunification.
  • The DDP-24 (1963) was a 24-bit computer designed and built by the Computer Control Company, aka 3C, located in Framingham, Massachusetts.
  • DDP is commonly used for delivery of disc premasters for duplication. DDP is a proprietary format and is the property of DCA. The file format specification is not freely available.

  • In 2015, the Seoul Design Foundation has implemented various projects promoting Seoul’s design industry and spread design culture with its monumental multipurpose complex Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP).
  • TIMM8A is also referred to as DDP. Koehler determined the function of the DDP gene and concluded that the Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome is a novel type of mitochondrial disease that is most likely caused by a defective mitochondrial protein-import system.
  • Before the Street Fight between Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon occurred, Diamond Dallas Page invited The Undertaker to the ring as videos of DDP's personal life were being aired by Undertaker's wife Sara throughout the event.
  • DDP does not perform development work itself; rather it collects donations in the UK to fund partner projects throughout the developing world.
  • . Regularization in the DDP context means ensuring that the [...] matrix in [...] is positive definite. Line-search in DDP amounts to scaling the open-loop control modification [...] by some [...].

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