 Übersetzung für 'DFTD' von Englisch nach Deutsch
devil facial tumour disease [Br.] <DFTD>
Gesichtskrebs {m} [DFTD des Tasmanischen Teufels]
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • This phenomenon is seen in dogs with Sticker's sarcoma (also known as canine transmissible venereal tumor), and in Tasmanian devils with devil facial tumour disease (DFTD).
  • Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) is an aggressive non-viral clonally transmissible cancer which affects Tasmanian devils, a marsupial native to Australia.
  • Since then, other scientists have added further evidence to the Allograft Theory of DFTD whilst Pearse has continued to uncover new information on the disease.
  • Since the late 1990s, the devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) has drastically reduced the population and now threatens the survival of the species, which in 2008 was declared to be endangered.
  • While the region is best known for its convict history it is now the key area in the battle to save the Tasmanian devil from extinction from a new type of contagious cancer called devil facial tumour disease (DFTD).

  • "Danger from the Deep", often abbreviated as DftD, is an open-source World War II German U-boat simulation for PC, striving for technical and historical accuracy.
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