1 Übersetzung
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- spiegellose System-Digitalkamera {f} <DSLM-Kamera> = digital single lens mirrorless camera <DSLM camera>
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- Usually, digital camcorders (including: bridge cameras, DSLM, higher-end compact cameras and mobile phones) historically had two ways of storing slow motion video (or: high framerate video) into the video file: the "real-time method" and the "menial method".
- An article describing its concepts and experience using it was published in 1978 in the IBM Research IBM Systems Journal under the name DSLM.
- Mirrorless cameras are sometimes referred to as mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras (MILC), or digital single-lens mirrorless (DSLM) cameras.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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