 Übersetzung für 'Dominic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO Domingo de Guzman | Dominic | Saint Dominic | ...
Dominik {m}
Saint Dominic
heiliger Dominikus {m}
St. Dominic
hl. Dominikus {m}
Order of St. Dominic
Dominikanerorden {m}
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • We are introduced to Amy, Dominic, Evelyn, and Esme (all the characters except Frank and Toby).
  • The most prominent Roman Catholic with the name, Saint Dominic, founded the Order of Preachers, also known as Dominican friars. Saint Dominic himself was named after Saint Dominic of Silos.
  • The Arca di San Domenico (Ark of Saint Dominic) is a monument containing the remains of Saint Dominic. It is located in Dominic’s Chapel in the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna, Italy.
  • On the same date of Nazeri's sentencing, Justice Kan also found Dominic guilty of the same crime, but he sentenced Dominic to life imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane since Dominic was acting as a drug courier and had cooperated with the authorities to render substantive assistance to disrupt drug trafficking activities.
  • Cate and her three sisters argue with their father Dominic over whether he loved the late mother of women. Cate later reconciles with Dominic.

  • Dominic Chennell has recorded as 'Dominic de Nebo' and with the group 'Carphology Collective'.
  • The Bohicas were an English indie rock band from Essex, England, consisting of vocalist and guitarist Dominic McGuinness, drummer Brendan Heaney, guitarist Dominic John, and bassist Adrian Acolatse.
  • Lincoln "Link" Cordell (played by Jamie Hector) a violent gang member who acts as Dominic's right-hand-man.
  • Pierre falls ill due to shrapnel in his head, and she is found out when she encounters Dominic in Pierre's room.
  • Two common techniques for converting numbers and playing cards into visual images are the Mnemonic major system and the Mnemonic dominic system.

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