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- E-Zine {n} [Internet-Portal im Magazin-Stil] = ezine / e-zine [esp. small magazines and newsletters]
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- Issue 1 is an expression which refers to the first issue of a publication such as a magazine, comic, or e-zine, and is also used to denote the initial direction or output of creativity.
- "Static Line" was created in an effort to fill the void left by the closing of the DemoNews E-Zine (closing February 1998) and the "TraxWeekly" E-Zine (closing April 1996).
- Phi Kappa Phi publishes for its active membership a quarterly journal, "The Phi Kappa Phi Forum" and the triannual "Honor Chord e-zine", both of which have won awards.
- He is currently teaches Global Communication at Simon Fraser University in Canada and is a co-editor of e-zine Jadaliyya.
- "Jazzenzo" is a Dutch jazz e-zine that focuses on Dutch musicians, but also covers international artists.
- Her columns have also appeared online at "National Review Online", TownHall.com, and the e-zine "Jewish World Review".
- In the late 1990s, e-zine publishers began adapting to the interactive and informative qualities of the Internet instead of simply duplicating print magazines on the web.
- He also writes articles on the Body Modification E-zine.
- The Phone Losers of America (PLA) is an internet prank call community founded in 1994 as a phone phreaking and hacking e-zine.
- Hambidge is a prolific traveller and writes a weekly column for a Cape Town daily, "Die Burger". She is a critic and columnist for the Afrikaans literary e-zine "Litnet".
- "Phrack" is an e-zine written by and for hackers, first published November 17, 1985.
- Flint suggested creating an e-zine to carry some of the fan fiction submitted for "Ring of Fire" or created subsequently.
- Beginning in July 2010, Rusch had a regular column in the bi-monthly Grantville Gazette e-zine called "Notes from The Buffer Zone" until the magazine's demise in August 2022.
- There are over 50 societies at UEL. There is a student e-zine called Your Universe, a joint partnership between UEL and student writers.
- Flint also helmed Jim Baen's Universe, an e-zine published from 2006 until 2010.
- In 2007 articles and reviews, the magazines gave unabashed praise for the look and sound of modern acrylic drums.
- One of the longest-running print magazines for southern gospel music has been the Singing News.
- The magazine ceased publication in December 1997 (issue 70) due to financial hardship.
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