 Übersetzung für 'EA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an ea | eas
each {adv} <ea.>je [jeweils]
ea [Br.] [dial.] [same root!]Ache {f} [selbe Wurzel!]
ea [Br.] [drainage canal in the Fens]Abzugskanal {m} in den Fens
electroacupuncture <EA>
Elektroakupunktur {f} <EA>
2 Wörter
education assistant [GB] <EA>
Schulbegleiter {m}
educational assistant <EA>
Schulbegleiter {m}
effective altruism <EA> [philosophical and social movement]effektiver Altruismus {m} <EA>
Emotions Anonymous <EA>Emotions Anonymous {pl} <EA>
environmental aspect <EA>
Umweltaspekt {m} <UA>
episodic ataxia <EA>
episodische Ataxie {f} <EA>
erotic asphyxiation <EA>Atemkontrolle {f} [Sexualpraktik]
esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]
Speiseröhrenatresie {f}
esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]
Oesophagusatresie {f} <OA>
esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]
Ösophagusatresie {f} <ÖA>
evolutionary algorithm <EA>
evolutionärer Algorithmus {m} <EA>
expanded access <EA> [FDA term]
Compassionate Use {m} <CU>
expanded access <EA> [FDA term]
individueller Heilversuch {m}
experiment archaeology <EA>
experimentelle Archäologie {f}
experimental archaeology <EA>
Experimentalarchäologie {f}
experimental archaeology <EA>
experimentelle Archäologie {f}
external audit <EA>
externes Audit {n} <EA>
external audit <EA>
externe Prüfung {f}
5+ Wörter
Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono. [USA] [Hawaii state motto: The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.]
[Motto des US-Staates Hawaii: Das Leben des Landes wird in Rechtschaffenheit fortgeführt. / Das Leben des Landes bleibt in Rechtschaffenheit erhalten.]
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'EA' von Englisch nach Deutsch

each {adv} <ea.>
je [jeweils]

ea [Br.] [dial.] [same root!]
Ache {f} [selbe Wurzel!]
ea [Br.] [drainage canal in the Fens]
Abzugskanal {m} in den Fens
electroacupuncture <EA>
Elektroakupunktur {f} <EA>med.

education assistant [GB] <EA>
Schulbegleiter {m}educ.
educational assistant <EA>
Schulbegleiter {m}educ.
effective altruism <EA> [philosophical and social movement]
effektiver Altruismus {m} <EA>
Emotions Anonymous <EA>
Emotions Anonymous {pl} <EA>
environmental aspect <EA>
Umweltaspekt {m} <UA>ecol.QM
episodic ataxia <EA>
episodische Ataxie {f} <EA>med.
erotic asphyxiation <EA>
Atemkontrolle {f} [Sexualpraktik]
esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]
Speiseröhrenatresie {f}med.

Oesophagusatresie {f} <OA>med.

Ösophagusatresie {f} <ÖA>med.
evolutionary algorithm <EA>
evolutionärer Algorithmus {m} <EA>comp.
expanded access <EA> [FDA term]
Compassionate Use {m} <CU>med.pharm.

individueller Heilversuch {m}med.pharm.
experiment archaeology <EA>
experimentelle Archäologie {f}archaeo.
experimental archaeology <EA>
Experimentalarchäologie {f}archaeo.

experimentelle Archäologie {f}archaeo.
external audit <EA>
externes Audit {n} <EA>econ.QM

externe Prüfung {f}econ.fin.

Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono. [USA] [Hawaii state motto: The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.]
[Motto des US-Staates Hawaii: Das Leben des Landes wird in Rechtschaffenheit fortgeführt. / Das Leben des Landes bleibt in Rechtschaffenheit erhalten.]pol.
  • Effizienzanalyse {f} <EA> = efficiency analysis
  • Elektroakupunktur {f} <EA> = electroacupuncture <EA>
  • Elektroakupunktur {f} <EA> = percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation <PENS> [electroacupuncture]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • EA Montreal and EA Mobile Montreal are operated separately, however.
  • At E3 2018 EA announced a premium tier for Origin Access called Origin Access Premier, that allows to play future EA games early, the games will be full version in contrast to the "First Trials" giving to basic Origin Access members.
  • Different EA artifacts are used by different actors at different moments for different purposes and fulfill different roles in organizations.
  • "EA Sports FIFA Online 2", developed by EA and Neowiz, was released in Asia on October 1, 2007.
  • Rank on completion of training is 'able EA', followed by promotion based on experience and training to 'leading EA', 'petty officer EA' and 'chief petty officer EA'.

  • Although developer Coldwood's previous works received unfavorable critical reception, "Unravel" reportedly showed enough promise for EA's DICE to arrange a publishing deal with EA.
  • Shevchenko is featured as a playable character in the video games "EA Sports UFC 2", "EA Sports UFC 3", and "EA Sports UFC 4".
  • David Littman, the lead producer of the EA Sports NHL Game received permission from the NHL and EA's lawyers to include Lexi Peters in their EA Sports NHL 12 video game (released on September 13, 2011).
  • The Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research (abbreviated CEEALAR, formerly EA Hotel) supports individuals to self-educate and work towards charitable aims within the framework of effective altruism (EA).
  • Edgar was a featured fighter on "True Life: I'm a Mixed Martial Artist" leading up to his first fight with Maynard.

  • Shuttarna was a descendant and probably a son of the great Mitannian king Artatama I.
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