5 Übersetzungen
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- EFQM {f} = European Foundation for Quality Management <EFQM>
- EFQM-Modell {n} [Qualitätsmangementsystem] = EFQM model
- EFQM-Prüfer {m} [fachspr. Validator] = EFQM validator
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- Acıbadem has been accepted into the membership of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and Kalder. ISO 9001 certificate is granted to the Acıbadem's Central Sterilization Units.
- Cyprus Airways was awarded the 'Commitment to Excellence in Europe' award by the European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) in 2007.
- It is also an EFQM member and is the first non-European assessor of EFQM.
- In September 2006, CCRTV received the EFQM Excellence Award for its organisational gestion.
- The EFQM Global Award is run annually by EFQM. It is designed to recognize organizations that have achieved an "outstanding level of continuous improvement", based on assessment against The EFQM Model.
- Kostka is the first organization in Cantabria and only eleventh educational institution in Spain to receive the silver seal according to the EFQM Excellence Model for organizational excellence.
- In 2011, weave became the first French consulting firm to obtain EFQM (European Foundation For Quality Management) recognition, achieving the highest level: Recognized for Excellence 5 star.
- The school uses of the EFQM management system.
- CEC is the first Consulting Engineering Firm in the MENA Region to Acquire the Recognized for Excellence Certificate (R4E) (3 Star-2012) from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).
- The finalist of European competition “EFQM Excellence Award”.
- From 2008 until 2010, he was a Member of the Board of the European Federation of Quality Management (EFQM).
- The CAF is especially designed for the public sector. As a matter of a fact, this focus is what distinguishes the CAF from the EFQM Excellence model.
- He is Ambassador of Excellence EVP for EFQM, he is Licensed Advisor and Excellence Award Assessor for EFQM.
- BQF specialises in the EFQM Excellence Model, Europe’s leading performance improvement methodology, and as an EFQM Primary Partner, is the only organisation in England and Wales able to provide EFQM's full range of supporting products and services.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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