 Übersetzung für 'Esprit' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   esprit | -
espritGeist {m} [Witz, Esprit]
esprit de corpsEsprit de Corps {m}
esprit de corpsGemeinschaftsgeist {m}
esprit de corpsKameradschaftsgeist {m}
esprit de corpsCorpsgeist {m} [geh.]
esprit de corps [formal]Korpsgeist {m} [geh.]
6 Übersetzungen
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  • Esprit {m} = wit
  • Esprit {m} [literarisch] = razor-sharp wit
  • Esprit de Corps {m} = esprit de corps
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He rediscovered the "esprit franckiste" in his compositions.
  • This radically egalitarian aspect of Helvétius' philosophy caused Diderot to remark that if it were true, "De l'esprit" might just as well have been written by Helvétius' dogkeeper.
  • When bobbinet is woven with spots, it is called point d'esprit.
  • During the period 12 to 22 September 1944 the 1st Battalion demonstrated extraordinary heroism and exhibited gallantry, determination, and esprit de corps in overcoming unusually difficult and hazardous conditions.
  • However, its special meaning of "mind, intellect" never shared by English "ghost" is acquired only in the 18th century, under the influence of French "esprit".

  • Magdelon and Cathos are the aspiring "précieuses", two young women from the provinces who have come to Paris in search of love and "jeux d'esprit".
  • Striving to develop a renovated form of Orthodox Christianity and to promote it in Western Europe, he wrote "Considérations sur la doctrine et l'esprit de l'Église orthodoxe" (Stuttgart, 1816).
  • He was for a long time connected with St. John's Hospital, Lowell, and always labored to secure a better "esprit de corps" in the medical profession.
  • Whilst the work was going on, a jeu d'esprit was privately circulated, which attracted some notice.
  • Campbell was "noted for his devotion to building "esprit-de-corps" within the university", and for treating all faculty with equal respect, regardless of rank.

  • Jean Le Pelletier is quoted by Gaston Bachelard in his book "The Formation of the Scientific Mind" ("La formation de l'esprit scientifique").
  • In 1940, she established a philanthropic foundation to support the arts known as Pour que l’esprit vive (May the spirit live). It was headquartered on the Canebière.
  • “Ceal Floyer: Le bruit de l’esprit“, in 20/27 n°3, 2009.
  • Ms. Sverner's discography has 25 records, available worldwide, and reflects her fine aestethical sense and her "esprit d'avant garde".
  • Saint-Simon added, "Fin Normand de beaucoup d'esprit et d'adresse" thin Norman of great wit and charm ".

  • "L'esprit" is the fourth album by In the Nursery, released in 1990 through Wax Trax! Records.
  • Montessorischool Landsmeer is one of the oldest schools that is a part of the esprit scholen and was founded in September 1970 and acquired by esprit in January 2013.
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