| NOUN | an eye | eyes / eyen [archaic] |
| VERB | to eye | eyed | eyed eyeing / eying | eyes |
| SYNO | center | centre | eye | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| eye {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colour, socket, clinic, witness] | Augen- [z. B. Farbe, Höhle, Klinik, Zeuge] 34 | |
Verben |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. betrachten [mustern] 544 | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. beäugen 238 | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. beaugapfeln [hum.] 11 | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. im Auge haben | |
| to eye sb./sth. | nach jdm./etw. schielen | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. im Visier haben | |
| to eye sb./sth. | seinen Blick auf jdn./etw. richten | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. ins Auge fassen [Redewendung] | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. kritisch anschauen [musternd, begutachtend] | |
| to eye sth. [rare] [to provide something, e.g. a needle, with an eye] | etw.Akk. öhren [selten] [Nadel] | |
Substantive |
| anat.zool. eye [Oculus] | Auge {n} 5817 | |
| meteo. eye [of a storm] | Auge {n} 37 | |
| eye [of a needle] | Nadelöhr {n} 22 | |
| eye [metal loop] | Öse {f} 21 | |
| eye [act of looking] | Blick {m} 19 | |
| eye [of a needle or tool] | Öhr {n} 18 | |
| eye | Knospe {f} 8 | |
| anat.zool. eye | Oculus {m} 5 | |
| gastr. eye [cheese, esp. Emmental] | Loch {n} [Käse, bes. Emmentaler] 5 | |
| eye [loop of a rope] | Auge {n} [Seilschlinge z. B. beim Schlagen eines Knotens] | |
| hunting eye [of game animal] | Licht {n} [Auge des Haarwildes] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Bull's eye! | Volltreffer! | |
| Bull's-eye! [fig.] | Genau getroffen! | |
| eye-catching {adj} | auffällig | |
| eye-catching {adj} | auffallend | |
| eye-catching {adj} | ins Auge fallend | |
| eye-catching {adj} | ins Auge springend | |
| eye-catching {adj} [design etc.] | plakativ | |
| eye-catching {adj} [e.g. logo] | prägnant [ins Auge springend, einprägsam] | |
| mineral. eye-clean {adj} [without visible inclusions] | augenrein [ohne sichtbare Einschlüsse] | |
| eye-friendly {adj} | augenschonend | |
| eye-friendly {adj} | augenfreundlich | |
| med. eye-healthy {adj} | augengesund | |
| eye-minded {adj} | visuell [vorwiegend mit Gesichtssinn begabt] | |
| eye-opening {adj} | erhellend | |
| eye-opening {adj} | aufschlussreich | |
| eye-popping {adj} | spektakulär | |
| eye-popping {adj} [coll.] | staunenerregend | |
| med.optics eye-related {adj} | augenbedingt | |
| eye-rolling {adj} {pres-p} | augenrollend | |
| eye-rollingly {adv} | die Augen verdrehend | |
| eye-shaped {adj} | augenförmig | |
| eye-watering {adj} [extremely high] [of figures, amounts etc.] | horrend [sehr hoch] [Zahlen, Kosten, Beträge, etc.] | |
| idiom My eye! [coll.] [dated] | Von wegen! [ugs.] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to avoid sb.'s eye | jds. Blick meiden | |
| to black sb.'s eye | jds. Auge blau schlagen | |
| to blacken sb.'s eye | jdm. ein blaues Auge schlagen | |
| to catch sb.'s eye [idiom] | jdm. auffallen | |
| to catch sb.'s eye [idiom] | jds. Aufmerksamkeit erregen | |
| to catch sb.'s eye [idiom] | jdm. ins Auge fallen [Redewendung] | |
| to catch sb.'s eye [idiom] | jdm. ins Auge springen [Redewendung] | |
| to eye sb. suspiciously | jdn. misstrauisch mustern | |
| to eye sb./sth. up [coll.] | jdn./etw. (interessiert) mustern | |
| to eye sb./sth. up [coll.] | jdn./etw. (interessiert) begutachten | |
| to eye sb./sth. up [coll.] | jdn./etw. interessiert in Augenschein nehmen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| med. (eye) floaters | Mouches volantes {pl} | |
| med. (eye) floaters | schwarze Mücken {pl} | |
| med. (eye) stye | Gerschtl {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.] [Gerstenkorn] | |
| biol. almond eye | Mandelauge {n} | |
| entom.zool. apposition eye | Appositionsauge {n} | |
| med. arc eye [photokeratitis] | Verblitzung {f} [Photokeratitis] | |
| med. artificial eye | Kunstauge {n} | |
| med. artificial eye | Augenprothese {f} | |
| artist's eye | Künstlerauge {n} | |
| artist's eye | Auge {n} des Künstlers | |
| anat.orn. avian eye | Vogelauge {n} | |
| sports batting eye | Blick {m} für den richtigen Schlag | |
| idiom beady eye [coll.] | wachsames Auge {n} | |
| tech. bearing eye | Lagerauge {n} | |
| orn.VetMed. bird eye | Vogelauge {n} | |
| bird's eye | Auge {n} eines Vogels | |
| mus. bird's eye [Am.] [fig.] | Fermate-Zeichen {n} | |
| mus. bird's eye [coll.] | Fermate {f} | |
| med. black eye | blaues Auge {n} | |
| brown eye | braunes Auge {n} | |
| med. bulging eye | Glotzauge {n} [Exophthalmus] | |
| bull's eye | Mouche {f} | |
| bull's eye | Scheibenzentrum {n} | |
| bull's eye | Schuss {m} ins Zentrum | |
| bull's eye | Scheibenmittelpunkt {m} | |
| bull's eye | Schuss {m} ins Schwarze | |
| bull's eye | Mitte {f} der Zielscheibe | |
| bull's eye | das Schwarze {n} [Schießscheibe] | |
| naut. bull's eye | Bullauge {n} | |
| meteo. bull's eye | Zyklonauge {n} | |
| bull's eye [fig.] | Volltreffer {m} | |
| philat. bull's eye [stamp] | Ochsenauge {n} [Briefmarke] | |
| bull's-eye | Mittelpunkt {m} der Zielscheibe | |
| mus. bull's-eye [Am.] [fig.] | Coda-Zeichen {n} | |
| archi. bull's-eye [window] | Ochsenauge {n} [Fenster] | |
| tech. cable eye | Kausche {f} | |
| zool. canine eye | Hundeauge {n} | |
| zool. cat's eye | Katzenauge {n} | |
| electr.RadioTV cat's eye [coll.] [magic eye tube] | magisches Auge {n} [ugs.] [Abstimmanzeigeröhre] | |
| mineral. cat's-eye | Katzenauge {n} | |
| VetMed. cherry eye | Kirschauge {n} [ugs.] [Vorfall der Nickhautdrüse] | |
| VetMed. cherry eye [prolapse of the third eyelid] | Nickhautdrüsenvorfall {m} | |
| zool. chicken eye | Hühnerauge {n} [Auge eines Huhns] | |
| child's eye | Kinderauge {n} | |
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Übersetzung für 'Eye' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- eye {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colour, socket, clinic, witness]
- Augen- [z. B. Farbe, Höhle, Klinik, Zeuge]
- to eye sb./sth.
- jdn./etw. betrachten [mustern]
jdn./etw. beäugen
jdn./etw. beaugapfeln [hum.]
jdn./etw. im Auge haben
nach jdm./etw. schielen
jdn./etw. im Visier haben
seinen Blick auf jdn./etw. richten
jdn./etw. ins Auge fassen [Redewendung]
jdn./etw. kritisch anschauen [musternd, begutachtend]
- to eye sth. [rare] [to provide something, e.g. a needle, with an eye]
- etw.Akk. öhren [selten] [Nadel]
- eye [Oculus]
- Auge {n}anat.zool.
- eye [of a storm]
- Auge {n}meteo.
- eye [of a needle]
- Nadelöhr {n}
- eye [metal loop]
- Öse {f}
- eye [act of looking]
- Blick {m}
- eye [of a needle or tool]
- Öhr {n}
- eye
- Knospe {f}
Oculus {m}anat.zool.
- eye [cheese, esp. Emmental]
- Loch {n} [Käse, bes. Emmentaler]gastr.
- eye [loop of a rope]
- Auge {n} [Seilschlinge z. B. beim Schlagen eines Knotens]
- eye [of game animal]
- Licht {n} [Auge des Haarwildes]hunting
- Bull's eye!
- Volltreffer!
- Bull's-eye! [fig.]
- Genau getroffen!
- eye-catching {adj}
- auffällig
ins Auge fallend
ins Auge springend
- eye-catching {adj} [design etc.]
- plakativ
- eye-catching {adj} [e.g. logo]
- prägnant [ins Auge springend, einprägsam]
- eye-clean {adj} [without visible inclusions]
- augenrein [ohne sichtbare Einschlüsse]mineral.
- eye-friendly {adj}
- augenschonend
- eye-healthy {adj}
- augengesundmed.
- eye-minded {adj}
- visuell [vorwiegend mit Gesichtssinn begabt]
- eye-opening {adj}
- erhellend
- eye-popping {adj}
- spektakulär
- eye-popping {adj} [coll.]
- staunenerregend
- eye-related {adj}
- augenbedingtmed.optics
- eye-rolling {adj} {pres-p}
- augenrollend
- eye-rollingly {adv}
- die Augen verdrehend
- eye-shaped {adj}
- augenförmig
- eye-watering {adj} [extremely high] [of figures, amounts etc.]
- horrend [sehr hoch] [Zahlen, Kosten, Beträge, etc.]
- My eye! [coll.] [dated]
- Von wegen! [ugs.]idiom
- to avoid sb.'s eye
- jds. Blick meiden
- to black sb.'s eye
- jds. Auge blau schlagen
- to blacken sb.'s eye
- jdm. ein blaues Auge schlagen
- to catch sb.'s eye [idiom]
- jdm. auffallen
jds. Aufmerksamkeit erregen
jdm. ins Auge fallen [Redewendung]
jdm. ins Auge springen [Redewendung]
- to eye sb. suspiciously
- jdn. misstrauisch mustern
- to eye sb./sth. up [coll.]
- jdn./etw. (interessiert) mustern
jdn./etw. (interessiert) begutachten
jdn./etw. interessiert in Augenschein nehmen
- (eye) floaters
- Mouches volantes {pl}med.
schwarze Mücken {pl}med.
- (eye) stye
- Gerschtl {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.] [Gerstenkorn]med.
- almond eye
- Mandelauge {n}biol.
- apposition eye
- Appositionsauge {n}entom.zool.
- arc eye [photokeratitis]
- Verblitzung {f} [Photokeratitis]med.
- artificial eye
- Kunstauge {n}med.
Augenprothese {f}med.
- artist's eye
- Künstlerauge {n}
Auge {n} des Künstlers
- avian eye
- Vogelauge {n}anat.orn.
- batting eye
- Blick {m} für den richtigen Schlagsports
- beady eye [coll.]
- wachsames Auge {n}idiom
- bearing eye
- Lagerauge {n}tech.
- bird eye
- Vogelauge {n}orn.VetMed.
- bird's eye
- Auge {n} eines Vogels
- bird's eye [Am.] [fig.]
- Fermate-Zeichen {n}mus.
- bird's eye [coll.]
- Fermate {f}mus.
- black eye
- blaues Auge {n}med.
- brown eye
- braunes Auge {n}
- bulging eye
- Glotzauge {n} [Exophthalmus]med.
- bull's eye
- Mouche {f}
Scheibenzentrum {n}
Schuss {m} ins Zentrum
Scheibenmittelpunkt {m}
Schuss {m} ins Schwarze
Mitte {f} der Zielscheibe
das Schwarze {n} [Schießscheibe]
Bullauge {n}naut.
Zyklonauge {n}meteo.
- bull's eye [fig.]
- Volltreffer {m}
- bull's eye [stamp]
- Ochsenauge {n} [Briefmarke]philat.
- bull's-eye
- Mittelpunkt {m} der Zielscheibe
- bull's-eye [Am.] [fig.]
- Coda-Zeichen {n}mus.
- bull's-eye [window]
- Ochsenauge {n} [Fenster]archi.
- cable eye
- Kausche {f}tech.
- canine eye
- Hundeauge {n}zool.
- cat's eye
- Katzenauge {n}zool.
- cat's eye [coll.] [magic eye tube]
- magisches Auge {n} [ugs.] [Abstimmanzeigeröhre]electr.RadioTV
- cat's-eye
- Katzenauge {n}mineral.
- cherry eye
- Kirschauge {n} [ugs.] [Vorfall der Nickhautdrüse]VetMed.
- cherry eye [prolapse of the third eyelid]
- Nickhautdrüsenvorfall {m}VetMed.
- chicken eye
- Hühnerauge {n} [Auge eines Huhns]zool.
- child's eye
- Kinderauge {n}
- Adlerauge {n} [ugs.] [Hawk-Eye®] [System zur Ballverfolgung im Sport] = Hawk-Eye® (system)
- Falkenauge {n} [auch: Falken-Auge] [ugs.] [Hawk-Eye®] [System zur Ballverfolgung im Sport] = Hawk-Eye® (system)
- Eye-Catcher {m} = eye catcher
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Psyklop has a single compound eye, like all members of his race.
- The Marianne white-eye ("Zosterops semiflavus"), also known as Seychelles chestnut-sided white-eye or Seychelles yellow white-eye, is an extinct species of small bird in the white-eye family.
- Kaluu formerly wore an eye-patch covering his left eye, though this eye has since been restored.
- Eye-gouging is the act of pressing or tearing the eye using the fingers or instruments. Eye-gouging involves a very high risk of eye injury, such as eye loss or blindness.
- Eye diseases are common in dogs. Cataracts, canine glaucoma, and entropion are seen in dogs.
- The all-seeing eye (or the Eye of Providence) is a symbol that represents the eye of God watching over humanity.
- The University Eye Center provides eye care, corrective lenses, and vision therapy to the public.
- Amblyopia, commonly known as “lazy eye”. It occurs when a single eye sends input to the brain while ignoring inputs from the other eye. This results in monocular vision.
- The ASEAN Association of Eye Hospitals (AAEH) is an organization that promotes the quality of ophthalmology by eye hospitals in South East Asia region.
- Nearly all of the dragonfly’s head is eye, allowing incredible vision that encompasses almost every angle except right behind them.
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