 Übersetzung für 'Eyes right' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Eyes right!
Augen rechts!
5+ Wörter
A shot hit him right between the eyes.Ein Schuss traf ihn genau zwischen die Augen.
It happened right in front of our eyes.Wir haben es hautnah miterlebt.
One-Eye, Two-Eyes and Three-Eyes [Grimm Brothers]
Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein [Brüder Grimm]
Right has right-of-way.
Rechts vor Links.
eyesOogen {pl} [bes. berlinerisch: Augen]
Glotzen {pl} [ugs.] [regional] [Augen]
Oculi {pl}
piercing eyesstechende Augen {pl}
shifty eyesverschlagene Augen {pl}
sleeping eyesSchlafaugen {pl}
unseeing eyesleerer Blick {m}
button eyesKnopfaugen {pl}
bulgy eyesGlotzaugen {pl} [ugs.]
bleary eyesfeuchte Augen {pl}
to depuff eyes
eine Augenschwellung beseitigen
stinging eyes
Augenbrennen {n} [brennende Augen]
pop eyesGlupschaugen {pl} [bes. nordd.]
shrewd eyes {pl}scharfer Blick {m}
shrewd eyesscharfe Augen {pl}
sharp eyesscharfe Augen {pl}
soft eyessanfte Augen {pl}
feline eyes
Katzenaugen {pl}
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • New New Zealand First MP Richard Prosser used to write a column called Eyes Right in the magazine, and his book "Uncommon Dissent" has been heavily promoted by the group.
  • It is obvious that it's late and that he didn't want to wake up his wife (Charlene). Right after that scene the camera shows the clock next to their bed {4:30am}, and his wife lying in the bed with her eyes wide open, awakened by the sound of the door.
  • When lying down at night and closing the eyes, right before sleep or just before waking up, the complex motion of these patterns can become directly visible without any great effort thanks to hypnagogic hallucination.
  • Other drill movements performed by the colour guard include presenting arms, left and right wheel (turns) marches, eyes right (upon passing the reviewing stand during a parade), casing / uncasing the colour, and fixing/unfixing bayonets (by the arms bearers).
  • The report done, the paramount leader, as the Massed bands play, then inspects the formations, each of its leaders ordering a salute as he passes by and the battalions each present arms (eyes right for unarmed formations and the port arms when using modern rifles), after which they stand at attention.

  • "Eyes Right!" is a 1926 American silent drama film directed by Louis Chaudet and starring Francis X. Bushman Jr., Florence Fair and Dora Dean.
  • As the massed bands start playing the Corps of Drums stop playing by the signal of the Corps Drum Major and swings its drumsticks while on the eyes right.
  • Prosser wrote the 'Eyes Right' column in the "Investigate" magazine for ten years.
  • The guards are preceded past the saluting base by the Field Officer and the Major of the Parade, who salute the King with their swords and eyes right.
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