 Übersetzung für 'F double flat' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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F double flat <Fbb>
Feses {n}
F flat <F♭>
Fes {n} <F♭>
F flat minor
fes-Moll {n}
F flat major
Fes-Dur {n}
F double sharp <Fx>
Fisis {n}
double flat <bb>
Doppel-b {n} <bb>
D double flat <Dbb>
Deses {n}
E double flat <Ebb>
Eses {n}
G double flat <Gbb>
Geses {n}
A double flat <Abb>
Ases {n} [selten]
B double flat <Bbb>
Heses {n}
C double flat <Cbb>
Ceses {n}
B double flat <Bbb>
Bes {n} [selten, richtig: Heses]
A double flat <Abb>
Asas {n}
flat double open end wrench
Blech-Doppelmaulschlüssel {m}
rim with double flat humpFelge {f} mit beidseitigem Flat Hump
F minor <f, Fm>
f-Moll {n} <f, Fm>
base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]
Grundschleier {m}
flame atomic absorption spectrometry <FAAS, F-AAS, F AAS>
Flammentechnik {f} [Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie]
flame atomic absorption spectrometry <FAAS, F-AAS, F AAS>
Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie {f} <F-AAS>
radiography and fluoroscopy <R&F, R/F>
Röntgen und Durchleuchtung [Radiographie und Fluoroskopie]
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Some Sotones are based on compensating or other kinds of double systems, but the vast majority of them are single horns with crooks to common pitches like F and E-flat.
  • In music for the harp, D-flat major is preferred enharmonically not only because harp strings are more resonant in the flat position and the key has fewer accidentals, but also because modulation to the dominant key is easier (by putting the G pedal in the natural position, whereas there is no double-sharp position in which to put the F pedal for G-sharp major).
  • It is available in low major keys A through F, as well as low B-flat and E-flat, and double-low F.
  • "Mestra" (1979–80) for solo flutes and "Hunting Horns are Memories" (1977) for horn and tape for which she worked out quarter tone fingerings for the F/B flat double horn.
  • (G-double flat), amongst others.

  • Its parallel major, D-sharp major, is usually replaced by E-flat major, since D-sharp major's two double-sharps make it impractical to use.
  • There are double hung windows to the ground floor of the front elevation with multi- pane casements to the upper floors.
  • This movement is in the concerto variant of sonata form (double-exposition sonata form).
  • It was certified double gold in France in 2003.
  • The end walls (north and south) are face brick with large double doors.

  • The double-flat symbol (...) is used for modern notation of the third tone in the tetrachord to keep scale notes in letter sequence, and to remind the reader that the third tone in an enharmonic tetrachord (say F [...] , shown above) was not tuned quite the same as the second note in a diatonic or chromatic scale (the E [...] expected instead of F [...]).
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