Übersetzung für '
F-wave' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The fjord is, however, probably named after the river Drammenselva (Norse "Drǫfn"), and this again is derived from "drǫfn" f 'wave'.
- The minimal F wave latency is typically 25-32 ms in the upper extremities and 45-56 ms in the lower extremities.
- The F-wave latency can be used to derive the conduction velocity of nerve between the limb and spine, whereas the motor and sensory nerve conduction studies evaluate conduction in the segment of the limb. F waves vary in latency and an abnormal variance is called "chrono dispersion".
- In EMG testing, demyelinating neuropathy characteristically shows a reduction in conduction velocity and prolongation of distal and F-wave latencies, whereas axonal neuropathy shows a reduction in amplitude.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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