 Übersetzung für 'F1' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Formula One <F1, Formula 1>
Formel Eins {f} <Formel 1>
Formula One <F1>
Formel 1 {f} <F1>
F1 chief executive
Formel-1-Chef {m}
F1 world champion
Formel-1-Weltmeister {m}
4 Übersetzungen
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  • Formel 1 {f} <F1> = Formula One <F1>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Some images illustrate the mirror-image icosahedron with the "f"1 rather than the f1 cell.
  • Both the GR55 and GR55B have become very popular with competitors in the British Championship with a variety of engines being installed in GR55 chassis, including f1 derived Cosworth HB 3.5-litre and Judd 4-litre V8 engines.
  • He later wrote for the "F1 News" magazine, and went on to create the "JSBM" newsletter and more recently a Formula One blog, called Joeblogsf1.
  • A weak input signal of frequency f1 is mixed with a strong reference frequency f2 from a local oscillator (LO).
  • The internet chess servers FICS and Internet Chess Club use the at-sign @, as in N@f1 (knight drop at f1), Q@e6+ (queen drop with check at e6) or P@h7 (pawn drop at h7).

  • If the two input signals are both sinusoids of specified frequencies f1 and f2, then the output of the mixer will contain two new sinusoids that have the sum f1 + f2 frequency and the difference frequency absolute value |f1 - f2|.
  • The resulting output signal contains frequencies that are the sum and difference of the input signal (f1) and the pump signal (f2): (f1 + f2) and (f1 − f2).
  • Some students from Amity International school,Noida won a STEM competition named f1 in schools.
  • Specifically, when a sinusoidal function of frequency "f1" is multiplied by another sinusoidal function of frequency "f2" not equal to "f1" and integrated over a time much longer than the period of the two functions, the result is zero.
  • At the time, the largest aperture "fastest" cine lenses available for reflex 35mm cine cameras had a f1.4 aperture.

  • The Schelle, 1500 kg, tone f1, manufactured in 1396, is only for the clock.
  • Krasnov used the representation F = f1 + f2 + f3 to separate the flora of the Steppe with F being the plants now found and classifying them into f1 - the original Palearctic flora, f2 - old species that have undergone change to current conditions and f3 being new species that have come into the region.
  • A phagemid (plasmid + phage) is a plasmid that contains an f1 origin of replication from an f1 phage. Many commonly used plasmids contain an f1 ori and are thus phagemids.
  • Because of the exchangeability of "O1" and "O2", the assessment of the two sides of the equation above with the two factors "f1" and "f2" should therefore result in an equivalent outcome.
  • In 1996 he was f1 test driver in Jordan F1 Team. The following year he moved to Touring Car and he drove for three years with BMW in Italian Superturismo Championship.

  • The equivalent expansion suggests that f1 U f2 is true in one of the following two conditions.
  • For example, White may play h3-f1, capturing the black pieces on f1.
  • The compensation capacitance C is chosen such that fd < f1.
  • The f1 position 6 binds the 5' G (the first base count from the left); the f1 position 3 to the second base (C); f1 position -1 binds to the third position (G); f2 position 6 to the fourth base (T); and so on.
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