Übersetzung für '
FAAS' von Englisch nach Deutsch
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Faas was born in Rijswijk. After her graduation from high-school, Faas did a professional course in photography, and always used herself as her model.
- In 1965, geologist Richard Faas of Lafayette College took a few of the rocks back to his lab for testing.
- Aster Afwork Gebrekirstos FAAS TWAS is an Ethiopian scientist and a professor of agroforestry at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
- Viness Pillay FAAS (1970–2020) was a South African professor of pharmacy at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.
- Sami Ahmed Khalid FAAS FTWAS (...) is a Sudanese Pharmacognosy Professor at the University of Science and Technology.
- In 2004, she won the Golden Book-Owl for her book "Toen Faas niet thuiskwam".
- FaaS was initially offered by various start-ups circa 2010, such as PiCloud.
- She is the first female Professor of Pharmacy in the University of Ibadan, FAS and FAAS and the second female Nigerian FAAS.
- Prof. Stephen G. Agong’, PHD, FAAS, has been the Vice Chancellor of JOOUST since 2013.
- Margarethe Faas-Hardegger (20 February 1882 in Bern – 23 September 1963 in Minusio) was a Swiss women's rights activist, trade unionist and the leading figure of the Swiss women workers' movement at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Fatty acid amides (FAAs) are amides formed from a fatty acid and an amine.
- On October 18, 2011, the band announced that drummer Robin Faas quit.
- Function as a service (FaaS) is a service-hosted remote procedure call that leverages serverless computing to enable the deployment of individual functions in the cloud that run in response to events.
- Driss Ben-Sari FAAS FTWAS ([...] , born 1942) is a Moroccan professor of Geophysics at the Department of Civil Engineering, Mohammed V University in Rabat.
- Yahia Abdel Mageed FAAS ([...] , 1925–13 December 2020) was a Sudanese Minister and the Secretary-General of the 1st United Nations Water Conference.
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