 Übersetzung für 'FBT' von Englisch nach Deutsch
flyback transformer <FBT>
Zeilentransformator {m}
flyback transformer <FBT>
Zeilentrafo {m} [kurz für: Zeilentransformator]
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'FBT' von Englisch nach Deutsch

flyback transformer <FBT>
Zeilentransformator {m}electr.RadioTV

Zeilentrafo {m} [kurz für: Zeilentransformator]electr.RadioTV
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • First Bank and Trust's parent company, First Trust Corporation, also holds affiliated subsidiaries FBT Investments, FBT Advisors and First Insurance Agency.
  • Contrary to popular belief, provisions in the FBT (Fringe Benefits Tax) act allow for the employees of private companies to utilise.
  • New Zealand FBT rates are determined by grossing up personal income tax rates. As such, FBT rates are updated when personal income tax rates are changed.
  • Generally an employer also would expect their employee to reimburse the FBT the employer must pay, so the reduction in employee salary becomes equal to the total running costs paid by the employer, less GST, plus any FBT costs and administration costs.
  • Employers are liable to pay fringe benefit tax (FBT) on benefits given to employees in addition to their salary or wages (e.g.

  • The Myanmar national team used to play with a kit made by FBT. This contract lasted until 2018.
  • The folate-biopterin transporter (FBT) family (TC# 2.A.71) is a distant family within the major facilitator superfamily, most closely related to drug resistance permeases.
  • The FBT splitter is one of the most common. FBT splitters are widely accepted and used in passive networks, especially for instances where the split configuration is smaller (1×2, 1×4, 2×2, etc.).
  • The charity has Deductible Gift Recipient status and is Income Tax and FBT exempt.
  • The team kit for the 2010 season is produced by FBT and Chang Beer remain as the main sponsor.

  • also known as FBT, is a Thai sports equipment company.
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