3 Übersetzungen
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- FDDI-Netzwerk {n} = fibre-distributed data interface (network) <FDDI> [Br.]
- FDDI-Netzwerk-Topologie {f} = FDDI network topology
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- It is an improvement of an older standard (also created by ANSI) which used the Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) network structure.
- Footwear Design and Development Institute comprising 12 campuses is declared as an Institution of National Importance through the 'FDDI Act 2017'.
- a developer and manufacturer of WAN and LAN network switching system products including FDDI, Token Ring, and Ethernet adapters and switches.
- In the past years, SCinet deployed conference wide networking technologies such as ATM, FDDI, HiPPi before they were deployed commercially.
- More than two voltage levels are used in advanced techniques such as FDDI and 100/1,000 Mbit/s Ethernet LANs, and others, to achieve high data rates.
- On optical fiber, the 4B5B output is NRZI-encoded. FDDI over copper (CDDI) uses MLT-3 encoding instead, as does 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet.
- FDDI-II, a version of FDDI described in 1989, added circuit-switched service capability to the network so that it could also handle voice and video signals.
- In December 1988, Cumulus formed a joint venture with Network Systems Corporation to develop a proprietary interface based on the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) protocol for Network System's Hyperchannel-DX family of network processor chips.
- FDDI was established under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India in 1986 with an objective to provide human resource and technical services to the industry.
- Prior to the existence of switches, IXPs typically employed fiber-optic inter-repeater link (FOIRL) hubs or Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) rings, migrating to Ethernet and FDDI switches as those became available in 1993 and 1994.
- on FDDI-grade multi-mode fiber and the same 220m maximum reach on OM1, OM2 and OM3 fiber types.
- By September 1994, the NOC was expanded with the introduction of two @ Cisco Catalyst 1200 Ethernet to FDDI switches, and two @ Cabletron MMAC-three FNB hubs (six Ethernet plus two FDDI), constructing a reliable path from the Federal Headend to the El Cajon headend, and eliminating one unreliable path between the AdvanceStack hub and the various Channelmizers and frequency translators.
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