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- Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft {f} <FFG> = Austrian Research Promotion Agency
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- Phillpott has commanded the USS Typhoon (PC 5), USS Samuel Eliot Morison (FFG 13), USS ESTOCIN (FFG-15), and USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55).
- In September 2015, AEG and Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) jointly announced that the intellectual property had been sold to FFG.
- On 30 April 2020, the US Navy announced that Fincantieri had been awarded a $795 million contract for the first FFG(X), to be built at Fincantieri Marinette Marine in Marinette, Wisconsin.
- The FFG is divided into four areas today (base programs, structural programs, thematic programs, as well as European and International Programs) and the Agency for Aerospace.
- "Mechamorphosis" is a Transformers-like role-playing game based on the "d20 System" created by Lysle Kapp and Rob Vaughn of Fantasy Flight Games (FFG).
- As part of the reorganization of France's military system in Africa, the French forces in Gabon (FFG, approximately 900 soldiers) were created on 1 September 2007 in place of French troops in Gabon (TFG).
- The Friderico-Francisceum (FFG) is a gymnasium in Bad Doberan, Germany.
- The FFG has multiple apprenticeships available in the trade and commercial sectors.
- In October 2008, the FFG was composed of 110 clubs, with more than 1,650 licensed players.
- CIÉ took the prototype bus built by FFG into its fleet as well as 365 of the 366 double decker buses built by Bombardier.
- In 2008, Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) acquired the exclusive rights to publish board games, card games and role-playing games based on Games Workshop properties, including "WFRP".
- Roberts" (FFG-58) is one of the final ships in the United States Navy's [...] of guided missile frigates (FFG).
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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