 Übersetzung für 'FFR' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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flicker fusion rate <FFR>
Flimmerfusionsfrequenz {f} <FFF>
flicker fusion rate <FFR>
Flimmerverschmelzungs­frequenz {f} <FVF>
forest fire risk <FFR>Waldbrandgefahr {f}
fractional flow reserve <FFR>
fraktionelle Flussreserve {f} <FFR>
4 Übersetzungen
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  • Freifrau {f} <Frfr., Ffr.> = baroness [baron's wife]
  • fraktionelle Flussreserve {f} <FFR> = fractional flow reserve <FFR>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Fractional flow reserve (FFR) is a diagnostic technique used in coronary catheterization.
  • The FFR Type 65 Coupe is the culmination of four years of engineering and design work.
  • The 3/12th FFR was part of the 5th Indian Infantry Division during the East African and Western Desert Campaigns.
  • The plan was to cost about FFr 200 million in the short term but to increase profits in the long term.
  • In 1994, Crédit Lyonnais announced it was going to sell its 64 percent share of the company as part of a FFr 20 billion asset-reduction plan.

  • On 13 March 2020, the FFR announced the postponement of all rugby league in the country including the major competitions such as the Elite One Championship, Elite Two Championship, and Lord Derby Cup.
  • In light of the 2021–2022 global inflation surge, the Federal Reserve has raised the FFR aggressively.
  • France's governing body for rugby union, the French Rugby Federation (FFR), announced in November 2010 that it would not renew its deal to use Stade de France for international rugby matches when it expires in 2013.
  • "Veolia Transport Nord AS" (VTN) was created as a merger of Finnmark Fylkesrederi og Ruteselskap (FFR), Helgelandske, and the two former Nordtrafikk subsidiaries Nordtrafikk Buss and Nordtrafikk Maritim.
  • jpg|thumb|right|Key results of the iFR-FFR Hybrid approach: using these thresholds, 57% of patients are spared from vasodilators while maintaining a 95% classification match with FFR.

  • Currently, there is renewed interest in using the FFR to evaluate: the role of neural phase-locking in encoding of complex sounds in normally hearing and hearing impaired subjects, encoding of voice pitch, binaural hearing, and evaluating the characteristics of the neural version of cochlear nonlinearity.
  • Larger vehicles, such as the Austin K9 1-ton The intention was that FFW was a low-cost addition at manufacture, but any FFW vehicle could now be rapidly upgraded to full FFR status in the field.
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