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- Fazialisparese {f} <FP> = facial palsy
- Fazialisparese {f} <FP> = facial nerve paralysis <FNP>
- Fazialisparese {f} <FP> [auch: Facialisparese] = facial paralysis <FP>
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- Under the consensus nomenclature, the parameters referred to above as f1 and BP1 are now called fp and BPp, while f2 and BP2 are called fND and BPND.
- The file to enable or disable mpxio has been moved in Solaris 10 from "/kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf" to the bottom of the file "/kernel/drv/fp.conf" and "/kernel/drv/mpt.conf".
- There is a unique polynomial "fp" in "k" variables and of order "m" such that "p" is in the image of "jmfp".
- Representing the government of Sweden was the Swedish Minister of Education Jan-Erik Wikström (fp) who wanted a ban but stressed that it required a change in the constitution of Sweden.
- The Sigma fp did win Good Design Gold Award in 2019.
- Primary schools in Sagrai: Ahladipur FP School and Keudia Latifpur FP School.
- The earlier discovery of plasmons created the view that metal at plasmon frequency "fp" is a composite material.
- Muzzle velocity: 375 m/s (1,230 fp/s) [...].
- The southern part of the area has plentiful water containing hydrocarbons and hydrocarbons, sometimes calcium and calcium-magnesium and Mp = 398 mg/L; fp = 13.6 ° k, Ph = 2.72.
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