 Übersetzung für 'Fab' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   fab | fabber | fabbest
NOUN1   fab | fabs
NOUN2   Fab | Fabs
VERB   to fab | fabbed | fabbed
fabbing | fabs
SYNO fab | fabulous
fab {adj} [coll.] [fabulous]fantastisch [ugs.]
fab [wafer factory]
Mikrochip-Fabrik {f}
fast atom bombardment <FAB>
Fast Atom Bombardment {n} <FAB>
fragment antigen-binding <Fab fragment>
Fab-Fragment {n}
functional airspace block <FAB>
funktionaler Luftraumblock {m}
5 Übersetzungen
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  • Fab-Fragment {n} = fragment antigen-binding <Fab fragment>
  • Fast Atom Bombardment {n} <FAB> = fast atom bombardment <FAB>
  • Fachvereinigung {f} Auslandsbergbau und internationale Rohstoffaktivitäten <FAB> = German Federation of International Mining and Mineral Resources
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The mobile fab lab is a computer-controlled design and machining fab lab housed in a trailer.
  • The patient must be closely monitored for anaphylactic shock, and anyone allergic to sheep protein, papain, bromelain, or papaya extracts (papain is used to cleave the antibody into Fab and Fc fragments) should not use ovine digoxin immune fab.
  • In 2016, the X-FAB group acquired the assets of , making the fab in France their sixth manufacturing site.
  • The Fab City links to the fab lab movement, because they make use of the same human capital. The Fab cities make use of the innovative spirit of the users of the fab labs.
  • She has worked in all four Intel fabrication and sort manufacturing facility in Ireland, namely Fab10, Fab14 Ireland Fab Organisation and Fab 24.

  • The Intel Ireland campus at Leixlip is Intel's largest manufacturing plant outside of the United States and consisted of two semi-conductor wafer fabrication facilities: Fab 10 Ireland Fab Operations (IFO), and also the Fab 24 manufacturing plant which includes Fab 24-2.
  • The company operates a rapid prototyping fabrication ("fab") lab called Fab-1, designed to quickly create integrated circuits.
  • In 2020, India's first Super Fab Lab was inaugurated in Kochi, Kerala.
  • VIS acquired Fab 4 and Fab 5, two lines of 200-mm fab from Winbond Electronics Corp., expanding its production ability. The purchase was finalized in January, 2008.
  • McCarthy got involved in the digital fabrication movement in 2007 and was involved in the creation of the first Icelandic fab lab in Vestmannaeyjar.

  • Since the first fab lab in 2001, a global community of supporters has grown up, including a FabFolk charitable organization.
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