 Übersetzung für 'Fabliau' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   fabliau | fabiaux
Fabliau {n}
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Übersetzung für 'Fabliau' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Fabliau {n}lit.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The fabliau "Lai d'Aristote", which was formerly ascribed to him, is now thought to be by Henry of Valenciennes.
  • The magical test of fidelity which virtually every woman fails is a common motif, being found first in fabliau and romances, such as "The Faerie Queene", where Florimel's girdle fits the pattern, and "Amadis of Gaul", where no one unfaithful to his or her first love can pass an archway.
  • "Ysengrimus" is a Latin fabliau and mock epic, an anthropomorphic series of fables written in 1148 or 1149, possibly by the poet Nivardus.
  • Related to the fable was the more bawdy "fabliau", which covered topics such as cuckolding and corrupt clergy.
  • The Brothers Grimm, in the annotations to their tales, mentioned the existence of "an old French fabliau" version, with no further information.

  • It is based on a fabliau from "The Decameron" and depicts a rejected bride posing as another woman to deceive her husband into consummating their marriage.
  • This tale (and the next one) comes from a 13th-century French fabliau by Eustache d'Amiens.
  • When the "fabliau" gradually disappeared, at the beginning of the 16th century, it was replaced by the prose short story, which was greatly influenced by its predecessor.
  • Talking vaginas are an early theme in French literature, most notably in the 13th-century fabliau "Le Chevalier qui faisoit parler les cons et les culs", and in "Les bijoux indiscrets", the first novel by Denis Diderot.
  • "De Bérangier au lonc cul" is a medieval French fabliau. There are two versions of the fabliau: one by Guèrin and one anonymous.

  • Richeut is the earliest known fabliau, dating from 1159.
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