 Übersetzung für 'Frustum' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a frustum | frustums / frusta
Stumpf {m}
Kegelstumpf {m}
Pyramidenstumpf {m}
view frustum culling
Frustum Culling {n}
view frustum culling
Kegelstumpf-Auslese {f}
view frustum culling
Pyramidenstumpf-Auslese {f}
frustum of a cone
Kegelstumpf {m}
frustum of a pyramid
Pyramidenstumpf {m}
8 Übersetzungen
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  • Frustum Culling {n} = view frustum culling
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Heronian mean may be used in finding the volume of a frustum of a pyramid or cone.
  • The fourteenth problem of the Moscow Mathematical calculates the volume of a frustum.
  • In computer graphics, the viewing frustum is the three-dimensional region which is visible on the screen.
  • Each tower is a hollow mast resembling a truncated cone (or frustum).
  • Distributing contiguous 2D tiles of pixels allows for data scaling by culling data with the view frustum.

  • The view frustum is typically obtained by taking a frustum—that is a truncation with parallel planes—of the pyramid of vision, which is the adaptation of (idealized) cone of vision that a camera or eye would have to the rectangular viewports typically used in computer graphics.
  • The best method for modeling that is to divide the trunk into adjacent segments no more than 3 to 5 feet in height/length and then apply either the cone, paraboloid, or neiloid frustum form to each.
  • The viewing frustum is a geometric representation of the volume visible to the virtual camera.
  • Problem 14 of the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus computes the volume of a truncated pyramid, also known as a frustum.
  • It can be thought of as a spherical cap with the top truncated, and so it corresponds to a spherical frustum.

  • A frustum is a similar construction to a prism, with trapezoid lateral faces and differently sized top and bottom polygons.
  • stacked on top of a frustum of a cone (commonly known as a "conical transition section" shape) with length [...] , where the base of the upper cone is equal in radius [...] to the top radius of the smaller frustum with base radius [...].
  • The dual of an asymmetric/inverted right [...] -gonal bipyramid is an [...] -gonal frustum.
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