| mil. general staff officer - communications and IT <G 6> | Generalstabsoffizier {m} - Führungsunterstützung, Fernmeldewesen, Datenverarbeitung, IT-Sicherheit, Stabsunterstützung <G 6> | |
Teiltreffer |
| med. six-minutes walk test <6-minutes walk test, 6-MWT, 6MWT> | Sechs-Minuten-Gehtest {m} <6-Minuten-Gehtest, 6MGT> | |
| biochem.med. interleukin-6 <IL-6> | Interleukin-6 {n} <IL-6> | |
| chem. mass concentration <g/L, g/dL, γ, p> | Massenkonzentration {f} <g/l, g/dl, β, p> [Formelzeichen: β, p; Einheit (Beispiel): g/l, g/dl] | |
| phys. Big G [coll.] [(Newtonian) gravitational constant] <G> | (Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G> | |
| chem. mass fraction <w, g/g> | Massenprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil] | |
| mus. main gauche {adv} <M.G., m.g.> [used as a direction in keyboard music] | mit der linken Hand | |
| gastr. G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)] | Gin Tonic {m} | |
| mus. G minor <g, Gm> | g-Moll {n} <g, Gm> | |
| unit grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L> | Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L> | |
| med.MedTech. six-lead ECG / EKG <6-lead ECG, 6-lead EKG> | Sechs-Kanal-EKG {n} <6-Kanal-EKG> | |
| mus. G flat <G♭> | Ges {n} <G♭> | |
| mus. G sharp <G♯> | Gis {n} <G♯> | |
| mus. G major <G> | G-Dur {n} <G> | |
| med.QM German appropriateness evaluation protocol (criteria) <G-AEP, G-AEP criteria> | G-AEP-Kriterien {pl} [auch nur G-AEP] | |
| sports National Basketball Association Gatorade League <NBA Gatorade League, NBA G League, G-League> | NBA Gatorade League {f} <NBA G League, G-League> | |
| mus. G sharp minor <G♯ minor> | gis-Moll {n} <gis, Gism, G♯m> | |
| mus. G sharp major <G♯ major> | Gis-Dur {n} <Gis, G♯> | |
| pharm. 6-nitroquipazine | 6-Nitroquipazin {n} | |
| filmRadioTV 6-episode {adj} | sechsteilig | |
| automot. 6-cylinder engine | 6-Zylinder-Motor {m} | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'G 6' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- general staff officer - communications and IT <G 6>
- Generalstabsoffizier {m} - Führungsunterstützung, Fernmeldewesen, Datenverarbeitung, IT-Sicherheit, Stabsunterstützung <G 6>mil.
- six-minutes walk test <6-minutes walk test, 6-MWT, 6MWT>
- Sechs-Minuten-Gehtest {m} <6-Minuten-Gehtest, 6MGT>med.
- interleukin-6 <IL-6>
- Interleukin-6 {n} <IL-6>biochem.med.
- mass concentration <g/L, g/dL, γ, p>
- Massenkonzentration {f} <g/l, g/dl, β, p> [Formelzeichen: β, p; Einheit (Beispiel): g/l, g/dl]chem.
- Big G [coll.] [(Newtonian) gravitational constant] <G>
- (Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G>phys.
- mass fraction <w, g/g>
- Massenprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil]chem.
- main gauche {adv} <M.G., m.g.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]
- mit der linken Handmus.
- G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)]
- Gin Tonic {m}gastr.
- G minor <g, Gm>
- g-Moll {n} <g, Gm>mus.
- grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L>
- Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L>unit
- six-lead ECG / EKG <6-lead ECG, 6-lead EKG>
- Sechs-Kanal-EKG {n} <6-Kanal-EKG>med.MedTech.
- G flat <G♭>
- Ges {n} <G♭>mus.
- G sharp <G♯>
- Gis {n} <G♯>mus.
- G major <G>
- G-Dur {n} <G>mus.
- German appropriateness evaluation protocol (criteria) <G-AEP, G-AEP criteria>
- G-AEP-Kriterien {pl} [auch nur G-AEP]med.QM
- National Basketball Association Gatorade League <NBA Gatorade League, NBA G League, G-League>
- NBA Gatorade League {f} <NBA G League, G-League>sports
- G sharp minor <G♯ minor>
- gis-Moll {n} <gis, Gism, G♯m>mus.
- G sharp major <G♯ major>
- Gis-Dur {n} <Gis, G♯>mus.
- 6-nitroquipazine
- 6-Nitroquipazin {n}pharm.
- 6-episode {adj}
- sechsteiligfilmRadioTV
- 6-cylinder engine
- 6-Zylinder-Motor {m}automot.
- Generalstabsoffizier {m} - Führungsunterstützung, Fernmeldewesen, Datenverarbeitung, IT-Sicherheit, Stabsunterstützung <G 6> = general staff officer - communications and IT <G 6>
- geschützte geographische Angabe {f} <g.g.A., G.G.A.> = protected geographical indication <PGI>
- sechster Brustwirbel {m} <6. Brustwirbel, Th6, Th 6> = sixth thoracic vertebra <6th thoracic vertebra, T6 vertebra, T6> [Vertebra thoracica VI]
- sechster Halswirbel {m} <6. Halswirbel, C6, C 6> = sixth cervical vertebra <6th cervical vertebra, C6 vertebra, C6> [Vertebra cervicalis VI]
- Interleukin-6 {n} <IL-6> = interleukin-6 <IL-6>
- geschützte geografische Angabe <g. g. A.> = protected geographical indication <PGI>
- g-Moll {n} <g, Gm> = G minor <g, Gm>
- Massenkonzentration {f} <g/l, g/dl, β, p> [Formelzeichen: β, p; Einheit (Beispiel): g/l, g/dl] = mass concentration <g/L, g/dL, γ, p>
- Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L> = grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L>
- G-Dur {n} <G> = G major <G>
- NBA Gatorade League {f} <NBA G League, G-League> = National Basketball Association Gatorade League <NBA Gatorade League, NBA G League, G-League>
- 6-seitig = six-sided
- 6. Jahrhundert {n} = sixth century
- 6. Jahrhundert {n} = 6th century
- 6-Nitroquipazin {n} = 6-nitroquipazine
- Nummer 6 = The Prisoner
- Sechskorn- <6-Korn-> = six-grain [attr.] <6-grain>
- 6-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum {n} = 6-axis machining center [Am.]
- sechswöchig <6-wöchig> = six-week [attr.] <6-week>
- Eisen {n} 6 [Golf] = 6 iron [golf]
- sechsstündig <6-stündig> = six-hour [attr.]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Polish Defense Ministry General Staff and the Land Forces staff have recently reorganized the latter into a NATO-compatible J/G-1 through J/G-6 structure.
- One card can be moved at a time. However, the player is allowed to move a sequence of cards as a unit to another pile with an appropriate card (e.g. 6-5-4-3♠ can be placed on the 7♠).
- With the Smyslov Variation, 5...Na6, Black allows the e-pawn to come to e4 but can gain counterplay by ...Bg4 and perhaps bringing the knight to b4 e.g. 6.e4 Bg4 7.Bxc4 e6 8.0-0 Nb4.
- In people who have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G-6-PD deficiency), ingestion of fish, poultry, or other foodstuff that has been treated with nitrofurans, will likely suffer from hemolysis of red blood cells as a result of eating the contaminated food.
- Log reduction (e.g. 6-log reduction or 99.9999% effective) is used as a measure on the effectiveness of sanitization and disinfection.
- It was grade G-6 but received a pay bonus from $5 (specialist sixth class) to $25 (specialist first class).
- In oligonucleotide synthesis, several phosphoramidite reagents containing protected fluorescein, e.g. 6-FAM phosphoramidite 2, are used for the preparation of fluorescein-labeled oligonucleotides.
- The Ukrainian army are reported to use the Ukrainian KVS G-6, with a 3.5 km range and able to operate continuously for 30 minutes.
- 6-Aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) is a compound derived from penicillin G.
- Only major (e.g. 6.0.0) and minor (e.g. 6.1.0) releases are listed; revision releases (e.g. 6.0.1) are omitted.
- G-6 versions were equipped with [...] Jumo 213A inverted V-12 engines (using the same redesigned annular radiator cores as the Ju 188s powered by them), enlarged fuel tanks and often one or two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons in a "Schräge Musik" ("Jazz Music", i.e.
- In Australia, the term "community college" refers to small private businesses running short (e.g. ...
- Dinner party murder mystery games are generally played with small groups of individuals, e.g.
- A variation of fractional odds is known as "Hong Kong" odds.
- A tennis match is composed of points, games, and sets.
- If the first card turned is an Ace the player may choose its value as either the high Ace or the low one.
- The Voronezh was recommended by John Emms and noted as a big problem by Nigel Davies, leading many players to opt for the more solid 5...exd6 line.
- 1134, was a modified E-2 and equipped with FuG 202 and a "Spanner-Anlage" Infrared gun sight.
- It is the smallest number "n" with exactly eight solutions to the equation [...].
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