Übersetzung für '
G clamp' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a G-clamp | G-clamps |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| tools G-clamp | Schraubzwinge {f} [G-Form] | |
Teiltreffer |
| chem. mass concentration <g/L, g/dL, γ, p> | Massenkonzentration {f} <g/l, g/dl, β, p> [Formelzeichen: β, p; Einheit (Beispiel): g/l, g/dl] | |
| phys. Big G [coll.] [(Newtonian) gravitational constant] <G> | (Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G> | |
| chem. mass fraction <w, g/g> | Massenprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil] | |
| mus. main gauche {adv} <M.G., m.g.> [used as a direction in keyboard music] | mit der linken Hand | |
| gastr. G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)] | Gin Tonic {m} | |
| mus. G minor <g, Gm> | g-Moll {n} <g, Gm> | |
| unit grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L> | Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L> | |
| mus. G sharp <G♯> | Gis {n} <G♯> | |
| mus. G flat <G♭> | Ges {n} <G♭> | |
| mus. G major <G> | G-Dur {n} <G> | |
| med.QM German appropriateness evaluation protocol (criteria) <G-AEP, G-AEP criteria> | G-AEP-Kriterien {pl} [auch nur G-AEP] | |
| sports National Basketball Association Gatorade League <NBA Gatorade League, NBA G League, G-League> | NBA Gatorade League {f} <NBA G League, G-League> | |
| mus. G sharp minor <G♯ minor> | gis-Moll {n} <gis, Gism, G♯m> | |
| mus. G sharp major <G♯ major> | Gis-Dur {n} <Gis, G♯> | |
| phys. zero gravity <zero G, zero-G> | Schwerelosigkeit {f} | |
| biochem. G protein | G-Protein {n} | |
| mus. G-string | G-Saite {f} | |
| anat. G-spot | G-Punkt {m} [Gräfenberg-Punkt] | |
| mus. G clef | Violinschlüssel {m} | |
| unit grams <g> | Gramm {pl} <g> 90 | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'G clamp' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- G-clamp
- Schraubzwinge {f} [G-Form]tools
- mass concentration <g/L, g/dL, γ, p>
- Massenkonzentration {f} <g/l, g/dl, β, p> [Formelzeichen: β, p; Einheit (Beispiel): g/l, g/dl]chem.
- Big G [coll.] [(Newtonian) gravitational constant] <G>
- (Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G>phys.
- mass fraction <w, g/g>
- Massenprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil]chem.
- main gauche {adv} <M.G., m.g.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]
- mit der linken Handmus.
- G and T <G & T> [a drink of gin and tonic (water)]
- Gin Tonic {m}gastr.
- G minor <g, Gm>
- g-Moll {n} <g, Gm>mus.
- grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L>
- Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L>unit
- G sharp <G♯>
- Gis {n} <G♯>mus.
- G flat <G♭>
- Ges {n} <G♭>mus.
- G major <G>
- G-Dur {n} <G>mus.
- German appropriateness evaluation protocol (criteria) <G-AEP, G-AEP criteria>
- G-AEP-Kriterien {pl} [auch nur G-AEP]med.QM
- National Basketball Association Gatorade League <NBA Gatorade League, NBA G League, G-League>
- NBA Gatorade League {f} <NBA G League, G-League>sports
- G sharp minor <G♯ minor>
- gis-Moll {n} <gis, Gism, G♯m>mus.
- G sharp major <G♯ major>
- Gis-Dur {n} <Gis, G♯>mus.
- zero gravity <zero G, zero-G>
- Schwerelosigkeit {f}phys.
- G protein
- G-Protein {n}biochem.
- G-string
- G-Saite {f}mus.
- G-spot
- G-Punkt {m} [Gräfenberg-Punkt]anat.
- G clef
- Violinschlüssel {m}mus.
- grams <g>
- Gramm {pl} <g>unit
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- A G-clamp is used by means of turning the screw through the bottom of the frame until the desired state of pressure or release is reached.
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