 Übersetzung für 'G-418' von Englisch nach Deutsch
geneticin <G418, G-418> [C20H40N4O10]
Geneticin {n} <G418, G-418>
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'G-418' von Englisch nach Deutsch

geneticin <G418, G-418> [C20H40N4O10]
Geneticin {n} <G418, G-418>pharm.
  • Geneticin {n} <G418, G-418> = geneticin <G418, G-418> [C20H40N4O10]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A musicological study published in 2017 conducted an online survey among 418 electric guitar players inquiring their affliction with "G.A.S."
  • 417-418) B(mm. 419-420) G(mm. 421-422) E-flat(423-426).
  • Backes, G./Dieck, M./Naegele, G. (1985): Ziele und Grundsätze einer modernen Altenpolitik. In: Theorie und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit; 12; S. 410–418.
  • The World production of vegetable oil seed is forecast to be 418 million tonnes in 2008/09.
  • 4 and published in 2000 as ANSI T1.418-2000. Its primary purpose was also to provision a T-1 line, only this technology relies on fewer wires - two instead of four - and therefore costs less to set up.

  • FM 418's eastern terminus occurs at a stop-controlled T intersection east of the city center.
  • Taylor successfully contested the subsequent by-election on 12 May, gaining 438 votes against John Lee Scott (418), Samuel Paull Andrews (230) and S.
  • "Tensaw" (YTB-418) ex-YT-418, was laid down on 8 August 1944 at the U.S.
  • ISCU deficiency has been linked to pathogenic variants including intronic variants c.418+382G>C, g.7044G>C, and IVS5+382 G>C as well as a c.149G>A missense mutation in exon 3.
  • A total of 3,418 officers and men served in the 2nd Battalion (Reserve); of them, 1,882 went on active service and 27 were killed.

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